The Mysterious Doctor
The Mysterious Doctor
| 03 March 1943 (USA)
The Mysterious Doctor Trailers

The citizens of a tiny Cornish village are tormented during World War II by a headless ghost which is haunting the local tin mine.

Pluskylang Great Film overall
Sexyloutak Absolutely the worst movie.
Intcatinfo A Masterpiece!
Portia Hilton Blistering performances.
bkoganbing It's always been my opinion that in the matter of wartime B pictures with a propaganda bent the British were far better than the Americans. Especially with a lot of British players from our British colony in Hollywood participating in this potboiler that has not aged well.With all that mysterious fog it's only natural that the the people of a Cornwall village react suspiciously to Lester Matthews who says he's on a walking tour. Folks just didn't do that in wartime Great Britain.What Matthews finds is that there's an abandoned tin mine that the locals won't work because of a mysterious ghost who chops people's heads off because he doesn't have one himself and that ain't fair. Some real decapitations occur.At the same time British RAF officer on leave Bruce Lester and the local squire John Loder are saying we got to beat Hitler and the King needs that tin.What happens is that one of the villagers is a traitor and he's been doing the killings and spreading the rumors. Like Sherlock Holmes and the Voice Of Terror these Germans plan for the long haul even before there was a Nazi party. Shame on those from the British colony who spread this paranoia about. It's about as sensible as some of the worst anti-Communist films. In fact the Royal Family in the last World War had to change it's House name from Saxe-Coburg-Gotha to the more British sounding Windsor. The British players knew that even if we didn't.Eleanor Parker was one of the few Americans in the movie and I'm sure she shuddered at the mention of it. Well, a girl has to start somewhere.
tomwal Having seen this film at the tender age of nine, the images of a "headless ghost" walking around, conjured up nightmares for many nights to come. For a "b" film running a bit under one hour, The Mysterious Doctor manages to convey the proper amount of chills. While not in the Val Lewton class, the cast of Lester Matthews John Loder, Elenor Powell and a standout performance by Matt Willis,atmospheric photography of fog shrouded moors and an eerie score all combine to perhaps take the film up a bit from an average " b" thriller. The ending might seem sugary to todays viewers, but one must take into account that these were the war years.Having just recently seen it again on line, I still enjoyed the movie after all these years!
Stormy_Autumn "The Mysterious Doctor" (1943) is a fun, fairly predictable WWII propaganda film. Lots of fog and fear in and around the English village of Morgan's Head. A stranger comes out of nowhere, steps out of the fog and flags down a horse and cart for a free ride into town. The driver is willing as long as it's a pick-up and delivery. He won't be staying.The stranger is Dr. Frederick Holmes. (Sherlock's little brother?) He arrives at the Inn and learns the story of the closed tin mine, the village of "Morgan's Head" and the headless ghost who came into being when 2 miners fight to the death. When it's finished Black Morgan loses his head. Since then several miners have died the same way. Next the village squire enters and meets their visitor. He learns that Dr. Holmes' has decided to stay longer and explore the closed mine. (On the spur of the moment? Oh sure. Uh-uh. Whatever!) The next day the good doctor heads out and disappears and a headless corpse is found in the mine. Hmmm, could it be that the story has lost one of it's heroes already? Considering it's 1943 WWII movie at least he died for his country. (Or somebody's anyway.)***The Spoiler***About the participants suspicious or otherwise: We know right away that Letty is OK. She takes care of and protects 'Slow Bart'. Kit, the loyal soldier, must be OK because he loves Letty. Is 'Slow Bart' who he seems to be? Is Dr. Holmes on the right side or just dead? How about Sir Henry where does he spend his time when away from "HIS" village? Who is left? How about the list of other usual suspects in the crowd? Could they be involved? Hmmm.Cast: John Loder as Sir Henry Leland, Eleanor Parker as Letty Carstairs (born in Cedarville, Ohio, Eleanor does a great job with the British accent), Bruce Lester as Lt. Christopher 'Kit' Hilton, Lester Matthews as Dr. Frederick Holmes, Matt Willis as Bart Redmond (the mentally challenged villager) does very well.
MartinHafer This was a truly bizarre little British propaganda film made during the Second World War. It's so odd because it looks initially like a B-movie horror film (with talk about ghosts and headless ghouls walking about), but then unexpectedly becomes an anti-Nazi film about German attempts to destroy tin production in Britain!! Talk about strange plot-twists! However, despite the creativity of the plot, the film has quite a few problems that prevent it from being anything more than a silly time-passer. One problem, and it is relatively minor, is that the whole gimmick of the guy with a hood over his head is just silly. He didn't look all that bad without it and it's frightfully easy to guess what they would do with that character. A much bigger problem is that there really isn't much mystery about the film because it is just way too rushed. The suspense is never given a chance to build and the film makers were obviously too constrained by the unwritten rule that B-movies should be 50-70 minutes long,...period! And in this case, this meant ill-developed plot elements and a way too quickly solved mystery. As a result, the film never really jells into a coherent or memorable film. Nice try, though, but a film that is very skip-able.