To all those who have watched it: I hope you enjoyed it as much as I do.
It is both painfully honest and laugh-out-loud funny at the same time.
I enjoyed watching this film and would recommend other to give it a try , (as I am) but this movie, although enjoyable to watch due to the better than average acting fails to add anything new to its storyline that is all too familiar to these types of movies.
Strong acting helps the film overcome an uncertain premise and create characters that hold our attention absolutely.
One reason why this short film has succeeded is partially due to its offbeat title.There is hardly anybody who calls himself/herself "a cultured person" but has not heard about Mozart.A short film with a singular title namely 'The Mozart of pickpockets' gives a better idea about the film.It suggests that the pickpockets depicted in the film are supreme exponents of the art of pickpocketing as good as Mozart who was a true expert in music. The creative contribution of Philippe Pollet-Villard is revealed twice as not only he directs this film but also plays an important role.Apart from a lot of comic scenes,ample dose of realism has been added by him.Those who are familiar with Paris would have no difficulty in recognizing all the con tricks played by pickpockets,seedy hotels where they live and main areas where they operate.A short film with a classy end,'Le Mozart Des Pickpockets' is one of the rare short films made by a French director which has won two major prizes : Oscar award for best short film as well as César award for 'Meilleur Court-Métrage".
Robert Reynolds
This short won the Academy Award for Live Action Short. There will be spoilers ahead:This is a very funny short and the mute boy steals the short. The basic premise is that two of the most inept criminals lucky enough to avoid jail (and clearly not the shiniest pebbles in the pond) take up with a small, mute boy whose "family" was working with Tweedledum and Tweedledummy when they were arrested for picking pockets and getting caught.The boy, who is mute (possibly by choice) is a far more accomplished criminal than anyone else in the short (the boy is essentially a child prodigy, hence the title) and the best part of the short is when the kid does his stuff toward the latter part of the short.The end scene is funny if not predictable, with one of the "geniuses" doing something brain-dead which ties back into an earlier aspect of their "career" and fun is had by all (except for the worst excuses for functioning human beings, of course).This short is available on a DVD compilation of Academy Award nominated shorts from the year it won the award. The disc and this short are both excellent and well worth getting. Most highly recommended.
Two Paris losers are enlisted by a gang of Gypsy pickpockets to impersonate cops in order to get them out of tight situations. All does not go according to plan though and the thieves are arrested by real police before the counterfeit cops can step in. Stuck with a mute child of the gang they at first attempt to lose him when they discover he turns out to be a more adept thief than his entire jailed family. With their prodigy they soon become wildly successful robbing billfolds and pocket books from movie patrons across Paris.This energetic short film is a comic walk on the low life side filled with able performances and deadpanned humor. The hapless leads are well developed in the film's brief running time and tight editing keeps the story moving along. Things get a little excessive at the end as our thieves flush with success conspicuously run through the streets with armloads of booty before they arrogantly trip themselves up in a bowling alley but all in all it remains in keeping with the spirit of this light hearted film about thievery.
This review was originally posted 2/17/08. For some odd reason, IMDb won't let me alter my original review at all (something I've done many other times to other reviews), so I was forced to delete the review and repost it--updating some important information.I saw this movie at a special showing by a local film society of all the Oscar nominated Live Action Shorts about a week or so before the Oscars were announced. For a while, this film was posted online (I think on and one other site) but has recently been removed. I think this film has a very small chance to win this year's Oscar because two other films, AT NIGHT and TANGHI ARGENTINI are better films. Now this ISN'T to say THE MOZART OF PICKPOCKETS is bad or didn't deserve the nomination--it is an exceptional and charming little comedy.The film starts with a group of pickpockets working the streets of Paris. Eventually, 3 of the 5 are caught--leaving the two dumbest crooks alone. At the same time, a mute little boy just appears from no where and follows the crooks home. Not knowing what to do, they decide to keep him.The film has so many cute twists and the ending is wonderful. However, I don't want to say more because it might spoil the suspense. Watch this one--it's a nice little film.2/24/08--Apparently, I am an idiot and you should never take me to Vegas! Tonight this film DID win the Oscar--who'd have figured?!