The Morning After
The Morning After
| 13 February 1974 (USA)
The Morning After Trailers

A successful public relations man's refusal to admit his alcoholism jeopardizes his career, his family and his life. ABC Movie of the Week.

Evengyny Thanks for the memories!
Micransix Crappy film
Limerculer A waste of 90 minutes of my life
Josephina Great story, amazing characters, superb action, enthralling cinematography. Yes, this is something I am glad I spent money on.
Theo Robertson Charlie Lester is a public relations marketing officer for a corporate company with a successful career and a family . He's also someone who enjoys a drink , so much so that he finds himself drinking more and more endangering both his career and family This come with a slight amount of baggage . I never saw this made for television film when it made its initial broadcast on British television in the late 1970s but in those days we only had two TV guides the Radio Times for shows broadcast on BBC and the TV Times for those ones shown on the regional ITV station and each magazine would have a film review column about the films being shown on the station that week . Obviously singing for your supper over integrity in this type of publicity that tried not to look like publicity and marketing while plugging the stations films . Apparently the TV guide of whatever station broadcast the film had their reviewer saying it was a very funny comedy starring Dick Van Dyke on good form which led to an avalance of letters saying the reviewer couldn't have seen the film . Indeed many years later I remember listening to an interview with some film critics on Talk Radio and this very film with the fall out associated was brought up . Some foolishness is too stupid to be forgotten and this film is a testimony to that As everyone is stating on this page - I'm sure they've all seen it - THE MORNING AFTER is despite starring Dick Van Dyke is in no way a comedy . If there's an amusing scene in it I must have blinked and missed it . Everything is written in a serious and dead pan tone that it's almost in danger of becoming unconvincing in its manner simply because it is too serious . It also has a very short running time and this brevity of structure sometimes feels we the audience are merely just getting the bullet points of the story . That said this is helped greatly by the casting of Dick Van Dyke best known for his affable roles so we quickly warm to his character Charlie . It's truly great Oscar winning material but is very much one of the better 1970s TVMs from America
judygarlandfan2002 I am 18 years old, and I have never seen this movie, but I have heard A MILLION great reviews about it. The most that I've ever seen from it are short clips from the Dick Van Dyke Celebrity Profile on E!. But something that has really sparked my curiosity, and that is that everyone says that the ending is very "powerful" and "chilling". Could somebody please just pop me an e-mail and tell me what exactly happened at the end. Apparently, the song "Yesterday" is somehow involved, as well.I would really appreciate some enlightenment here. But if I ever had the opportunity to see this movie, I don't know if I would watch it. I just know it would break my heart. I mean, the first Dick Van Dyke movie I ever saw was Mary Poppins, for God's sake.
Lou Rugani Richard Matheson has given us another masterful screenplay, and Dick Van Dyke is perfectly cast in the dramatic role of his career. I saw this on its initial television release date, and I recall the wide recognition that it garnered; but "The Morning After" seems to have slipped from visibility lately. Still, at the time of this film, "lovable drunk" jokes and comics were prolific on television – and since "The Morning After", and its terrific eye-opening impact, they disappeared almost overnight. Now there were other, numerous efforts in those days to increase the awareness of alcoholism ... but I maintain that the impact of this unforgettable, much-discussed television film, with its chilling end, had a huge impact on the American consciousness. But we'll never be able to measure the number of lives it must have saved. Highly recommended to all.
editor_i My wife Cheryl writes: Very realistic (refreshing for a change). Dick Van Dyke portrays an alcoholic. As he is a recovered alcoholic, he played it to a T. It will shed a tear in the eyes of anyone who knows an alcoholic, especially if one or both of your parents were. A picture to be _seen_! WHY ISN'T IT AVAILABLE? Dick Van Dyke, any comments? You're a great actor.