The Mighty Kong
The Mighty Kong
G | 16 June 1998 (USA)
The Mighty Kong Trailers

The classic story of the mighty Eighth Wonder of the World is given a musical update, utilizing the talents of Disney musical giants The Sherman Brothers. Boosting this family-friendly take on the 1933 film are the acting talents of Jodi Benson and Dudley Moore.

Dotsthavesp I wanted to but couldn't!
BoardChiri Bad Acting and worse Bad Screenplay
Guillelmina The film's masterful storytelling did its job. The message was clear. No need to overdo.
Scarlet The film never slows down or bores, plunging from one harrowing sequence to the next.
Matt Otter I just don't get some people, I mean how could anyone hate this movie so much? They complain that it's for kids - gee, ya think? I mean, it only has the Bugs Bunny/Warner logo along with a big smiling cartoon gorilla on the cover.I have 4 nieces, 2 nephews, have shown this film to all of them, they all love it, and honestly, I enjoyed it too unlike some kid's movies I've been forced to sit through, and yes I do like original Kong and '76 version.So, I say, give this film a try, it's one of the few films that boys and girls can like, and an adult can at least sit through and be entertained.SPOILER ALERT: For any adult thinking of getting this, if you are worried about the ending, no, Kong doesn't die, there is still the showdown on the Empire State Building but....well, you'll see.
petekrug17 I guess the fact that this film exists would make the upcoming one by Peter Jackson the third KING KONG remake. (After this one and the much under-rated Dino De Laurentis 1976 film.) Instead of appealing to all ages like the live-action KONG films (though some parts in those movies might actually scare the really young ones, especially the '76 remake). Anyway. The key differences here, other than it's done in cartoon, are that the heroine is much more outspoken, there is a cabin boy and his "cute" pet monkey on the ship, (don't ask what they're doing there,) the inclusion of Broadway-type moments where characters break out into song, and, of course, the violence is toned way, way down. In fact, if I remember correctly, (it's been some years since I saw this,) not a single character dies in the entire movie. And I suppose I'm blowing the ending here, but it must be said: at the end of the film, after Kong's battled the fighter biplanes, (somehow without showing a single bloody bullet hole, 'cause, you know, it's a kid's movie,) and falling off the Empire State building, and the line,"'Twas beauty that killed the beast.", guess what? No, Kong DIDN'T die! Yes, the filmmakers decided to tack on a phony happy ending to please the kids. And when Kong turns out to still be alive, (after being shot about a hundred times by the planes and falling off the Empire State building,) the crowd erupts in cheers. Yes, the giant ape that was terrorizing New York just moments earlier is still alive, and everyone's happy about it! Whatever. Unless you have youngsters you think would like this, don't bother unless you're a die-hard KONG completest. (And I mean if your collection includes KING KONG LIVES. Yes, even that notorious bomb just might still be better than this one.)
Trashbag Warning: A few minor spoilersThis is a great movie. It follows the original better than the '76 remake. But Kong is standing up on his hind legs like the remake. And Ann still weeps his death like in the remake. And they included the scene in the remake where Kong bathes Ann. But all the characters return from the original. No Dwan, Jack Prescott, or Smith anywhere. All dinos return. The famous line returned too."It was Beauty that killed the beast"
redstring The Sherman Brothers (THE TIGGER MOVIE, MARY POPPINS, CHITTY CHITTY BANG BANG, CHARLOTTE'S WEB) provide a terrifically witty score for this musical retelling of the King Kong story. I had the opportunity of seeing this film in a theatre when it first opened in 1998 and the audience actually laughed out loud at some of the lyrical humor. The ballad, "I've Known You All My Life" is beautiful and may one day be thought of as a classic! Dudley Moore's vocal portrayal of C.B.Denham was terrific-- sadly, it may have been his final performance. He sings in the film as does Jodi Benson (ALADDIN).