The Michelle Apartments
The Michelle Apartments
| 17 September 1995 (USA)
The Michelle Apartments Trailers

Walton is a small, corrupt, wasteland of a town owned by Turnbull Chemicals whose motto is "We make the food you eat look better". Enter Alex Hartwell, a government tax auditor sent to investigate Turnbull's books. Arriving on the heels of a rowdy convention, Alex finds his hotel reservation cancelled, and he is forced to take a room at the seedy Michelle Apartments. As Alex's audit uncovers Turnbull Chemical's financial improprieties by day, after hours he finds himself drawn into a vortex of libidinous intrigue involving the predatory, chain-smoking femme fatale, Madeleine, and her menacing, ex-convict husband Dean.

Steineded How sad is this?
FuzzyTagz If the ambition is to provide two hours of instantly forgettable, popcorn-munching escapism, it succeeds.
Numerootno A story that's too fascinating to pass by...
Kamila Bell This is a coming of age storyline that you've seen in one form or another for decades. It takes a truly unique voice to make yet another one worth watching.
Tom Millan This film was well written, well acted, well directed and well lit. Even the score seem to connect perfectly with this dark comedy. I found this movie to have its strange mix of wit and dark humor which blends perfectly. This is one bizarre tale of an auditor from Revenue Canada who enters a strange town, with strange inhabitants and one strange apartment complex. We have a mix of small town inhabitants with sadistic humor and odd behaviors as we see this Revenue Canada outsider become unfortunately intertwined within the lust, greed and corruption that surrounds this small tightly knit community with arcane behaviors. This is a drama/ dark comedy that isn't for everyone. However, if you like dark and strange cult like films, I'm sure that you'll find "The Michelle Apartments" as one of those films. If you are for more happy and brightly atmospheric films, this film may not be your ticket. Hats off to all the actors who did a good job in this film.
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