The Lost
The Lost
| 01 January 2009 (USA)
The Lost Trailers

Kevin, an American psychiatrist has just entered the bestseller list books. During the recent book promotion tour he meets a sister of a former patient he committed to a mental institution in Spain. She asks if he will visit her sister, as her current carers have given up on helping her. His return to the city that once he had lived and worked reawakens subconscious memories of the hidden history ... he begins to remember.

ReaderKenka Let's be realistic.
Livestonth I am only giving this movie a 1 for the great cast, though I can't imagine what any of them were thinking. This movie was horrible
DipitySkillful an ambitious but ultimately ineffective debut endeavor.
Bessie Smyth Great story, amazing characters, superb action, enthralling cinematography. Yes, this is something I am glad I spent money on.
gildgal Wonderful theme and very suspenseful up to the end, it catches the interest of the intelligent viewer and I guess it would be even more catching for a person with Psycology and psychiatry leanings and likings. the ending was a bit obscure to me as I didn't get to know why the doc had interred his wife in Spain, how his revealing the deathbed of the wife led to the cure of the multiple-personality disease of the girl, and what was his intention after all for all his support, consisting his time and effort whatsoever on getting to cure the patient, if it had ever any relatedness to his wife from the very start that he came to Spain? It ended up after all to be another recurrent characters who are faithful protagonists acting at the focal point of the film, while they turn out to be the hideously destructive force of the incidents. What lied beneath this rater sensible character of the composite doc, I am not aware? dealing with patients of psychological disorder? The untold but obvious dealing one can make one wonder if this was a contagious disorder, the patient being cured, caught the doc himself. What I appreciated most was the unaffected character of Dina Meyer who having initiated all this relationship, had seemed to show affections to the doc-if it was not a front, but anyway had seen a scholarly appreciated character torn to piece, and was so calm at the end.
laura-m-vdm I found myself very caught up in this movie, at least at the beginning, and any credit I give to this movie, is Lacey Chabert, she was fantastic!! But thats where it ends. I seem to be very good at figuring out who the killer is, and I like it when a movie is able to completely baffel me, but I felt out and out lied to, they whole time they lead you in one direction and then suddenly they decided to go in a completely different direction at the end, they gave no hit to it at all, thats not misleading that very bad writing and planning, someone did not think at all!I felt the movie would have been much better if they had stuck to the plot that the lead you on, they also seemed to not answer anything, why did Jane(maria) burn down the professor's house.Its a great pity as I felt it started out as a relatively good movie.
Vivian M. Grey Surprise ending and twists are suppose to help dress and ignite the silver screen as well as deliver food for thoughts to audiences, but this one just turned out its own lights.Now, imagine a top psychiatrist/serial killer who managed to suppress all of his own evil killings... and now presently working to help uncover the deaths of 4 female spirits (one of them happens to be his own wife) whom he personally buried under a salt mine. Working along one of the victim's sister, a cop and a psychic.Now that's plenty of resources at his disposals, not to mention the four ghosts whose memories were intact and a psychic... a psychic! You'd think they all knew it was him as soon as he walked in the front door! But Noooooooooope! The movie kept pointing the killer in all different directions, other than the evil doctor himself, which as it turned out, surprise surprise!... the ending twist of the movie. What a shame.This could have been really good should the killer be someone else, good as in it would have made more sense and I would have given this one 8/10.
bonsai-superstar Well, I checked this out due to the high rating (hmm, wonder where that came from). However, it's a standard shocker flick (not "horror", not a "thriller", ... I guess the intention was shock). I ended up fast-forwarding through the majority of it as it was fairly unwatchable. The main character is a really unlikable (except to himself) dude. The effects and music are laughably - seriously, I laughed out loud - cheesy. The generic choice for a title was a good move, however, if only in that it might bring in a "lost" audience ("hey, this could be a drama, or thriller, or even a horror...sounds good!). I'm sure you're (cast & crew) nice people and all, but isn't it really just a waste of everyone's time to produce sub-standard stuff such as this? I don't blame you for trying, but I hate having my time wasted.