The Living Forest
The Living Forest
PG | 02 January 2003 (USA)
The Living Forest Trailers

Each day when the humans leave Cecebre Forest, its transforms into a magical place where plants and creatures come alive in wonderful ways. Trouble strikes on the day that men in hard hats plant a long, hard, cold telephone pole in the middle of the forest. The forest is in disarray and Furi, a friendly mole, finds that his friend Linda is missing along with an entire mole colony! The forest creatures join Furi on his quest to find the moles, proving that friendship can overcome any obstacle.

Titreenp SERIOUSLY. This is what the crap Hollywood still puts out?
Solidrariol Am I Missing Something?
Manthast Absolutely amazing
Hadrina The movie's neither hopeful in contrived ways, nor hopeless in different contrived ways. Somehow it manages to be wonderful
rghitulescu So, I watch the movie yesterday after I saw "Nocturna" and "The Dragons Hunters" and I found it ridiculous bad, especially I couldn't help myself not to compare with those 2. First the script. I don't know how god is the novel but the text here is awful, common and dull, worse then my conversation with my girlfriend in our bad days. The characters are so dull and not interesting, with no clue or personality, without color to make them stand out. The relation between the is almost inexistent and we can briefly understand that some mole is in love with another but that's it. The animation, God, I never so such bad 3D animation in my entire life. Is like a teenager who stated to work in 3D about 6 months ago is now trying to show us all he know about it. All characters are rigid with weird movements, no details to make them look natural, face expression looks like plastic, when they run you feel the need to look in some other parts because is so embarrassing. There are no details on the characters texture, fur looks like plastic. The only more or less interesting characters are the trees from the wood, but at some point you will start wondering why are there, what's the reason the director added those trees there other then there were in the original text from the novel. ALl in all this was the boredom of all animation I have ever seen, so you can skip it without any lose.
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