The Lion King 1½
The Lion King 1½
G | 06 February 2004 (USA)
The Lion King 1½ Trailers

Timon the meerkat and Pumbaa the warthog are best pals and the unsung heroes of the African savanna. This prequel to the smash Disney animated adventure takes you back -- way back -- before Simba's adventure began. You'll find out all about Timon and Pumbaa and tag along as they search for the perfect home and attempt to raise a rambunctious lion cub.

Lucybespro It is a performances centric movie
Inadvands Boring, over-political, tech fuzed mess
Humaira Grant It’s not bad or unwatchable but despite the amplitude of the spectacle, the end result is underwhelming.
Keeley Coleman The thing I enjoyed most about the film is the fact that it doesn't shy away from being a super-sized-cliche;
Filipe Neto This film is a spin-of of "Lion King", focused on the characters of Timon and Pumbaa. Directed by Bradley Raymond, with a script by Tom Rogers, the film features the voices of Nathan Lane, Ernie Sabella, Whoopi Goldberg and Julie Kavner.When I saw this movie by its cover I thought it would, of course, a continuation of the second film. When I realized it was a spin-of based on friends of Simba, I was a bit disappointed. When I realized it was a bad movie, I was really upset. The director tried to evade the rules and do something that rarely occurs in animated films: a spin-of that elapses before the initial movie events. Its a high- risk maneuver and Raymond was unable to give it the original magic, of the first film. They cannot even be compared.This film is the following of a policy that Disney has tried to do in recent years: pick up a highly popular secondary character, from a movie that already exists (highly lucrative, of course) and give this character a whole film through a spin-of. This is just to make money at the expense of a success already achieved. Many of these films get similar popularity but much lower quality. So it is here.The script is not interesting, the story is quite boring. This pair of friends, who once entertained us, didn't bring anything new. The voice actors did a good job, but its one of the few pristine features of the film, along with the design, animation and cinematography. It has some moments of humor but it's not funny, and the jokes didn't stay in in our memory. Basically, Disney should learn to understand that there are characters that were made to be funny and secondary, never to be protagonists.
jaemiewaters it is a great movie amazing i like this movie a lot make this movie number 2 of all the lion kings because the first lion king is number 1 but this is still a really good movie i like this movie a lot i never saw a movie this good before i like this movie so much i never saw a Disney movie this good before i like this a lot and so will you it is one funny movie it is a hoot it is the bomb i never saw a movie this good before this is one good movie that the whole family to enjoy i like this movie a lot this movie so much this is one cool movie this movie is the bomb the worse lion king is the second one it was horrible but this one s great i like this movie a lot this is one cool movie i never saw a movie this goofed before this is one good movie this is a great movie i like this more than any movie this i one cool movie i like this movie so so much this is one cool movie
Electrified_Voltage I learned about this film early in 2004 when I saw a trailer for it on the "Finding Nemo" DVD. That was before I rediscovered "The Lion King", so I didn't have much interest in seeing it at the time. Four years later, I have finally seen it. Even though I wasn't too impressed with "The Lion King II: Simba's Pride" overall, I still gave this one a chance. However, both of the LK sequels (though "The Lion King 1½" isn't exactly a sequel) weren't that much different for me. I think the main difference I found was that this one is slightly inferior.In this film, the main characters are Timon and Pumbaa, instead of Simba. Basically, the movie tells the original story at their point of view, starting before Simba. The story begins with Timon's unhappy life in a meerkat colony. The story then moves on to the young meerkat leaving his colony, learning about "Hakuna Matata", and meeting Pumbaa, a lonely warthog, for the first time. After this, it shows their lives together, and eventually, of course, their adventures with Simba. All of these things tell viewers parts of the story they've never known before.Timon and Pumbaa are responsible for a lot of the humour in the original "Lion King", but as I stated in my review of "The Lion King II: Simba's Pride", they're not they're not as consistent in that sequel. As the main characters in "The Lion King 1½", they're occasionally funny, like they are in the second film, but have not returned to full comic form. There's some surprising toilet humour (not a lot of it, but coming from a Disney animated film, it's still a bit surprising), usually involving Pumbaa and his farts, and I'm not sure whether this works or not. The part where the water hole stops bubbling as soon as Pumbaa gets out sort of left me with mixed feelings. If you ask me, the idea of this film, telling the original story at the point of view of other characters, was unnecessary, and I know I'm not alone. I'll admit, while watching it, stopping wouldn't have felt right, as I was curious to see what would happen. However, it's certainly not something I would want to watch again.I know not to expect sequels to be as good or better than their predecessors, as they sometimes are, but not usually. However, I have also learned that Disney's straight-to-video sequels (or ones that aren't really sequels, but still straight-to-video films that follow a theatrical film and use the same characters and setting, like this one), are usually if not always FAR inferior to their theatrical predecessors, and aren't usually too highly entertaining. My favourite of the ones I've seen is "Aladdin and the King of Thieves", but even that one didn't blow me away. Like I said, "The Lion King 1½" is better than "Belle's Magical World" (it definitely has less problems, I certainly can't complain too much about the animation here), but it does seem to lack quite a bit of what made the original "Lion King" so excellent.
Drake TigerClaw Surprisingly not terrible and well animated for one of Disney's straight to video throw away sequels. Like the previous sequel (The Lion King 2) I was glad that Disney brought back most of the original voice actors which makes a big difference and they kept a good level of traditional animation. The plot wanders around for a while but we are distracted by an unending string of jokes ranging from hilarious to dull. To break up the detached plot and jokes they gave us some silly musical sequences, which much like the jokes, range from entertaining to a quick trip to the fridge. For the most part the MST3K-like moments are bland and full of untapped potential and really don't add a whole lot to the movie other than to act as a vehicle for an hour-long flashback. The new characters are at least likable, and the old characters are out doing their thing so I can't fault them there. Overall this movie in not bad and it makes for a nice frivolous filler between the more serious Lion King titles.