The Legend of Bloody Jack
The Legend of Bloody Jack
NR | 27 February 2007 (USA)
The Legend of Bloody Jack Trailers

The legend of Jack The Ripper becomes reality when one of his descendants revives him.

SpuffyWeb Sadly Over-hyped
Noutions Good movie, but best of all time? Hardly . . .
Beystiman It's fun, it's light, [but] it has a hard time when its tries to get heavy.
WillSushyMedia This movie was so-so. It had it's moments, but wasn't the greatest.
ryan-851-333577 Usually threads posted in the forums are pretty harsh but in the case of "The Legend of Bloody Jack", they are richly deserved.The acting is horrible, the "special effects" aren't very special (it looks like they pillaged a Halloween party supply store), the dialog is laughable, and the plot is non-existent.Bloody Jack, or as the credits list him, Lumberjack is the most non-threatening and ineffectual slasher I have ever seen. He basically looks like a regular guy who went into Kmart to buy flannels, Dickie's work pants and a pair of CAT boots. On his way out, he remembered that he needed a hat and a face-warmer so he picked those up too. The ax was an impulse buy at checkout. He's just a regular guy that went crazy after too many lonely Alaska winters. All that seems legit. Oh...except that the Netflix description of this movie says "Bloody Jack" is 400 yrs old.Hell, the IMDb description says "The legend of Jack The Ripper comes to real when one of his descendants revive him." Really?? When did this happen??? Did I see a censored version of this movie that left the gore and nudity in but edited out any and all major plot points? I will give this movie one plus; the girls in it are relatively attractive and they all bare their relatively nice breasts. But that's it. That is it! No more pluses.Don't even get me started on the ending...Follow the majority of the reviews and do not waste your time with this. If you wanna see relatively nice breasts, you can easily find them faster and easier on the internet.
cjc17 Overall this movie is not that great, but it delivers what you would expect from a b grade horror movie; blood, guts and nudity. It suffers from poor production choices (actors pretending it is night when it daylight) and cheesy dialog. The story line is typical of a horror movie but the script makes some wrong turns. Not all of the acting is bad, some of it is even pretty good given the material they had to work with. The actors were not given a chance at character development because of the lack of story. It's not their fault that the movie is bad. The writers should have focused more on the brother sister relationship (like House of Wax) and those two actors. It felt like their relationship could have been explored more. Like I said, with this movie you get what you would expect, an OK story, decent acting and lots of blood.
wholcomb-1 I had no expectations other than to be entertained for 90 minutes, and that is exactly what I was.Of course it is campy, of course some of the dialog wasn't perfect, of course the "special effects" were a bit hokey. That is exactly why I enjoyed the movie so much. It is a perfect fit for this genre of a 70's Horror classic.The talent needs to start some where, that goes for the actors and the crew, and what better piece of material to sharpen your skills on than this.I for one look forward to another film from these producers and directors.
Zbigniew_Krycsiwiki Moron and his moron girlfriend conduct some ritual to resurrect the dead, in attempt to prove that the dead can not be brought back to life. Not surprisingly, they do resurrect a dead soul who commences chopping them up with an axe, and the next day some college-aged people are telling the story around a campfire. The guy with the axe turns up and starts hacking up the idiots telling the story. The group calls the cops, the cop sees blood splattered all over and thinks it's a mountain lion(!) and soon after is axed by some deformed killer who may or may not be a ghost.Moronic little splatter movie which was filmed in broad daylight but where several characters are carrying flashlights and talking as though it were the middle of the night, and wanting to send up a signal flare to attract attention. One guy has a gun in one hand and bullets in the other but doesn't bother to load it, then after he finally loads it, he has several opportunities to shoot the killer but doesn't bother to, because that would end the movie too early. Then he throws the gun away! Also detrimental is characters who show no emotion and don't look the least bit concerned after their friends are chopped into pieces, and lousy effects (the human heart looks like a piece of chicken meat, the car blown up at the end clearly was a model car) and awful dialogue and some really ugly female nudity doesn't help. And in the end it tries to get away with its incoherence by saying that it was all the invention of the same college aged people telling campfire stories at the start of this movie. Then the killer turns up for real in the last scene hacks them into pieces. Again.Only good for some unintended laughs.