The Lawn Boy
The Lawn Boy
| 01 June 2011 (USA)
The Lawn Boy Trailers

A heart-warming, delightfully funny romantic comedy about a lawn boy who catches the eye of an upscale career woman...

LouHomey From my favorite movies..
ThrillMessage There are better movies of two hours length. I loved the actress'performance.
Bluebell Alcock Ok... Let's be honest. It cannot be the best movie but is quite enjoyable. The movie has the potential to develop a great plot for future movies
Kien Navarro Exactly the movie you think it is, but not the movie you want it to be.
rogerb-391-111246 It's time for jungle fever when attractive white executive Jennifer (Melissa Odom in film debut) finds herself beguiled with her lawnmower man Michael (Jordan Spradley) who happens to be African-American.It was mutual attraction. Plenty of sensual day-dreams, flirtatious encounters and double entendre by both parties. Starts off on the usual racially induced reasons for white-woman-black-male sexual tension but soon takes the rom-com approach to show the realities of interracial relationships. There are no grey areas when issues and differences are literally black and white.Very low budget indie productions shot in Fort Worth, Texas with sole video camera fails to register on any levels. The stupid ending just makes it worse. Except for Odom, the rest of the cast are walking clichés. Spradley bears a striking resemblance to Martin Lawrence in looks and mannerism.
Chris Fagg Shot completely on video, it has the air of a cheap and tawdry exploitation flick - and that's what it is, a soft-soft-porn fantasy of a powerful white women falling for a jobless black man who still lives at home with his mother.The opening scene is gratuitous and repulsive, the female lead decrying her lack of sex while marveling at the amount of intimate toys she has collected, her monologue felt like it was stolen from the trash-bin of 'Sex and the City'. And this same stilted dialogue continues throughout the rest of the film when she's talking with her white girlfriends, who immediately bring up the stereotype of black men having large penises, and go on to say that nothing else really matters.As for the male lead, his conversations with his peers are equally racist, with a large dose of sexism thrown in to boot, and nothing is said to rectify these assumptions throughout the whole film, except on the most perfunctory level.I'm going to end this review right here because this film is a piece of garbage, and I don't want to waste any more time on it.
karanashley I watch independent movies all the time and this movie has great production value and lots of laughs. A must SEE! The characters are colorful, witty, refreshing and the story has substance. It moves quickly and the laughs keep coming. It's refreshing to see a movie that not only makes you laugh but depicts a love story. It's time for independent films to take over and get away from the Hollywood gimmicks and just simply entertain the audience. this film has managed to do all of that!It's a perfect movie to unwind to after a long day. If you are that person that wants to be entertained and support up and coming movie makers at the same time than this is the movie for you!!!!
NEWYORK75 My wife loves rom-coms and I don't really, but she talked me into seeing this film and I was happy she did.The film starts off pretty normal but picks up and you find yourself in love with the characters and laughing and crying at what they go through. I have some friends that are married and inter-racial - they still get comments and looked at weird. Love is Love and Love is blind, this film will hopefully make everyone see that and Love is blind.But again, very good film and must see rom-com - acting, directing, everything was spot on - great job.Also, I saw Bitter/Sweet - another nice rom-com.