The Last Warrior
The Last Warrior
| 19 October 2017 (USA)
The Last Warrior Trailers

Ivan is an ordinary guy who is transferred from modern Moscow to the fantasy world Belogorye. In this parallel universe where characters of Russian fairy tales live, magic is an integral part of daily life, and arguments are settled with the help of sword . Unexpectedly, Ivan finds himself in the middle of a battle between good and evil, and he must discover why everyone thinks that he must play the main role in upcoming events...

Jeanskynebu the audience applauded
Arianna Moses Let me be very fair here, this is not the best movie in my opinion. But, this movie is fun, it has purpose and is very enjoyable to watch.
Mandeep Tyson The acting in this movie is really good.
Fatma Suarez The movie's neither hopeful in contrived ways, nor hopeless in different contrived ways. Somehow it manages to be wonderful
jahn-00325 Decent fairy tales are really in scarcity on screens nowadays. When talking about Russian ones, there has even hardly been anything good enough lately. Though the movie Posledniy bogatyr as the last joint attempt of Russians and Disney seems to have finally born fruit.The work, based on ancient Russian mythology, tries to muddle up some myths with the contemporary world. Even though it might be considered controversial at first, the approach is one of the main advantages of the film, since it by all means gives a new lease of life to the old stories and characters which are rather well-known, at least in the post-Soviet countries. The latter should definitely appeal to young generations of spectators.Adding to that, the movie does not imply any political or social problematic context which is rarely absent in films produced nowadays. Thus, the product just does its job, concentrating on telling a fairy tale wittily and showing us marvelous scenes of another world.Exploiting this mixture with the modern and ancient cultures, the film has some related downsides too. For instance, adding several pieces of popular music was rather a mistake, for they sound quite out of place. Generally hilarious atmosphere may also be slightly exaggerated at times and bear the perception of mocking renowned Russian characters. Apparently, it is not the major purpose of the creators, but merely a bid to attract international community that is hardly acquainted with this realm of Russian culture.To summarize, the movie has a good chance to popularise some ancient Russian legends through giving them fresher modern guise. Despite being a light comedy, it would also be unfair to convict the work of being shallow, since it brings along a deep meaning of how changeable the human nature is and how strikingly unfeasible it is to differentiate precisely between good and evil.
isabel-batchvarova Great movie well done and well played very funny with original lines and language... mixed with modern day Russia aspects... and still keeping the tales and the culture! Great surprise and lots of LOLs.... long time no such in the movies..
smilegel I looooved this movie. It was amazing in every way and one day I will be showing it to my kids and there aren't many that deserve this "title" in my view.The humor and the fairy tale plot made it an enjoyable experience. The cast was great with actors who are very good and loved by many. The story had a lot of twists and and the graphics was awesome as well. This is a very well put movie that took the old fairy tale(s) and made it modern and it worked perfectly. I really hope there will be a part 2. It is far better than a lot of Hollywood movies and I can easily compare it to Harry Potter in terms of overall greatness or Maleficent in terms of the fairy tale as they have some similarities.
Konstantin Belyakov One of the best things that happened to Russian cinema since 1990-s. Even though under Disney supervision. The very best thing that happened to Russian "fairy-tale movie" tradition since the middle of XX century. The most wonderful approach to Slavic folklore and and folk tales. Yet, understandable to those not familiar with mythology. I can praise this movie in many other ways as well. Praise actors, and writers, and direction, and special effects... I haven't seen such a gem in many years! But the long and the short of it is: this "Posledniy bogatyr" ("~last hero, ~last warrior" is you want correct meaning) is totally worth seeing it whether you're Russian or not. You'll have 90 minutes of action, romantics, quite international humour, good personalities and picturesque evil masterminds. And a large piece of tradition and mythology as well.It's fun! I give you my word on that.