The Last Trapper
The Last Trapper
| 12 December 2004 (USA)
The Last Trapper Trailers

Norman is not just an admirer of nature, he's a part of it. He survives the harshness of the climate and the wildlife by coexisting with it. With his wife Nebraska, they live almost entirely off the land, making money by selling their furs.

Karry Best movie of this year hands down!
ShangLuda Admirable film.
Jonah Abbott There's no way I can possibly love it entirely but I just think its ridiculously bad, but enjoyable at the same time.
Francene Odetta It's simply great fun, a winsome film and an occasionally over-the-top luxury fantasy that never flags.
BigLaxFan94 This is another great outdoor film where a modern-day Jeremiah Johnson lives with nature and all the hardships that go with it. But he doesn't mind them since he is at peace with himself and his surroundings. There was a sad moment when his first dog companion got hit! I cried so much when I saw that! What was so ironic after that was when his new dog companion wasn't really to his liking since it was more of sled dog than a pack dog. He preferred pack dogs more since they could carry goods on their backs whereas sled dogs were more for running. He already had more than enough sled dogs.Anyways... this film earns an 8 out of 10 in my books.
youAreCrazyDude While many viewers found the film beautiful and made them love nature, it also should be a warning to us all if our children to see this disappearing beauty. Here is why. We depend on nature and animals to survive. Pollution, eating species into extinction and massacre of environment happens on global scale: sacred and very needed by life on Earth trees are being massacred by human predator. Gold mining, illegal tree cutting, illegal ranching in Amazon already destroyed a lot of sacred trees. Animals' habitat is disappearing with exponential (unbounded) rate. Films: "AMAZON with Bruce Perry", "The End of the Line (2009)". Most vicious predator (human) must learn to stop destroying its own environment. (Aside: the human is most vicious predator because it kills for sports.) While most vicious predator propagates with exponential (unbounded) rate, the nature and animals disappear with exponential rate at the hand of most vicious predator. Most vicious predator must stop unbounded (exponential) reproduction: it leaves no space for healthy environment for most vicious predator and leaves no space for animals. CONSUMPTION is not "cool" anymore. Echo-systems sustain the economies. Economies do not sustain the echo-systems. Bottom-lines and corporations only destroy the nature, environment and animals. In the past, we hoped that our technology would help us to live better lives, but as of today, our technology (better traps, binoculars, nets, better sonars to track our prey, better guns, etc) only leads us to the SIXTH EXTINCTION of all life on the planet, at the hand of the human. If you cannot farm it - do not kill it.
kalatorul Very beautiful landscapes, nicely filmed, good work of camera crew, and that's all. Guys are fishing dead fishes. The winters are so cold that even the breath has no steam. After a "bath" in cold icy waters, Norman continues his travels as nothing was happened (second time).Firstly the trapper complains about the involvement of man in nature, then after some times he states that without the involvement of the man in nature everything will be a desert. He is assuming himself a quite messianic role.
Bix-10 I have been invited to the "premiere" of Le Dernier Trappeur in Brussels, Belgium, as I happen to know the executive producer of this movie ... Director Nicolas Vanier has been interviewed in front of the room, mainly explaining the problems they had with the cold temperature there, they had to shoot with -50°C sometimes (*EDIT* : -58°F, sorry for bad conversion)! I tried to view the movie as objectively as possible, and honestly I haven't been disappointed.This movie is a documentary, you have to know that. People in there "act", but terribly as they are *not* actors. Norman Winther -Northman Winter would have been more appropriate ;)- is a trapper, in the deep Yukon in Canada, and you as a spectator learn to know his tough life.Wonderful landscapes, incredible views of that part of our earth I didn't know could be so beautiful, are in themselves entirely making the movie worthy. There is a message too : "in those northern lands, what man does, hunting, is a necessity : he takes samples, but doesn't ruin the nature. Without him, some species will swarm, other will disappear". I suppose it isn't 100% true, but hey the movie is supported by the WWF so I guess even if they try to justify the hunting, this cannot be so bad :)One negative point though : you'll have some repetition, in the succession of scenes as well as in music, even if that one is very nice.A great documentary, two thumbs up !