The Last Light
The Last Light
| 01 June 2014 (USA)
The Last Light Trailers

Seven strangers find themselves trapped inside an abandoned hospital after an unexplainable apocalyptic event. In addition to being haunted by what they've lost, the strangers must also fight off mysterious creatures that hunt them down one by one.

Stometer Save your money for something good and enjoyable
ShangLuda Admirable film.
Maidexpl Entertaining from beginning to end, it maintains the spirit of the franchise while establishing it's own seal with a fun cast
Voxitype Good films always raise compelling questions, whether the format is fiction or documentary fact.
wrockage-84734 Well written, made, acted, but there's no pay-off at the end. It's not horror, it's psychological thriller, without much thrill.
Michael Ledo The film opens with an interesting soundtrack and background of printed material over a wall that creates an eerie atmosphere of mystery. We find seven people trapped inside an abandoned mental institution. They have electric lights and water. They ration food, mostly strawberry bars as Jeffrey(Seth David Mitchell) has scarfed the better tasting blueberry bars.The film centers around Jack (Ed Quinn) the leader of this group of survivors. The first 15 minutes introduces the characters and the situation. One person, Noah (Edward Furlong) lives in the basement and advises Jack alone. Locked in the building, it is always light outside with "those things" trying to get them. Harold (Jeff Fahey) speculates it is aliens, and is quickly quieted as discussing what "they" are is forbidden.The days pop up on the screen. The film starts at day 89 and works back down to zero, although the plot moves forward. At day zero, the mystery reveals itself in case you hadn't figured it out. There are clues and the clues become more overt as the film goes on.I enjoyed the character interaction and several of the soundtrack pieces. As an action film it was slower than "The Divide."Parental Guide: F-bomb. No sex or nudity.
DeviantHitman Pretty much I see it like this, there was no apocalyptic event. The hospital they were in, which didn't seem like a regular hospital. More like a psychiatric hospital that gave off the impression of purgatory where 7 trapped souls awaited judgment.The "Light" was more in line with Heaven and the "Creatures" were more in line with Hell. As the good ones in the group go into the light, and the bad ones had been consumed by the creatures.Edward Furlongs character seemed to give off the presence of a Lucifer type being. Lurking in the shadows, only known by Jack giving somewhat not so good advice to him.There were what looked to be "patient" files on the members of the group at the end where you see Edward Furlongs character sitting at a desk filing some away and discarding others in the trash. However it showed in Jacks file, he was a Doctor who drove his wife to suicide and that later had committed suicide himself if you stopped to read the obituary inside.The one girl had even asked Jack at one point about his beliefs in Heaven and Hell. Jack seemed to have to come to grips in himself with what it was he had done before he could seek and receive judgment therefore ending the movie because he was the last person to be judged.It had nothing to do with Schizophrenia or any other mental illness like stated in other reviews and compared in no way to Identity. The movie had a lot of potential but lacked a lot of finer details. Was very obscure. You never got to see any of the "creatures".
Jesse Boland Molly Hagan will always be Angel from Herman's Head in my mind, and I think the casting was an attempt at tongue in cheek attempting and failing for me by being too obvious. This movie is a very big mess that is just too obvious, and repetitive. Honestly I had to ask out loud at one point "We who Terminator boy?" as there was no sense of reality to the character played by Edward Furlong, and hardly any from the rest of the characters either. There is a lot of acting going on here, but it is the kind done in attempting to reach some form of egress from a bag which happens to be paper. The head towards the light shtick just goes on, and on. More even than my talking about it) I Enjoyed the first 5 minutes or so, it looked like this was going to be a good mind bender that would keep me guessing, however that quickly turned out not to be the case, and here we are now after a very over thought out ending, and so much less thought given to how they got there. Not recommending this to anyone, really there is nothing here that will make it worth your time. Some good actors wasted in what must have just been a money pit for someone. Move on I am going to.