The Last Great Wilderness
The Last Great Wilderness
| 09 May 2002 (USA)
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Charlie's wife has left him for a successful pop star, and he wants revenge. He sets out for Scotland's Isle of Skye, where he will burn down the star's mansion. In a cafe, he meets Vincente, a Spaniard who asks him for a ride. With his new friend in tow, Charlie soldiers on, only to run out of gas in the middle of nowhere. They walk to the nearest residence--where they are greeted by a suspicious and motley group of people who may or may not be part of a bizarre cult that lives in the area. Charlie and Vincente will be staying longer then they expected, and it is going to be a strange visit!

Micitype Pretty Good
BelSports This is a coming of age storyline that you've seen in one form or another for decades. It takes a truly unique voice to make yet another one worth watching.
Roman Sampson One of the most extraordinary films you will see this year. Take that as you want.
Allison Davies The film never slows down or bores, plunging from one harrowing sequence to the next.
Callum Berry Watched it knowing very little about it, ended up extremely pleased! Merging many genre's in the process, this film isn't for everyone, butshows the mainstream how its done! Shows the beauty of the low budget films focus on mood, aesthetics and acting to ensure full engagement. The charm of the Scottish landscapes also adds a delicious, raw edge. On top of superb performances all round, very likable characters and the mystique element of the narrative that builds up, creates a fairly original vibe. Very interesting film for those interested in the more rewarding realms of British cinema. Also features The Pastels which just adds that extra sweetness
maatmouse-1 I must admit the comments about this "Straw dogs meets Wickerman" had me intrigued enough to want to watch this. Alas, I had never gotten an opportunity to see it on the cinema owing to the big cinemas' attitude of this being an 'indie' movie and not worth the trouble. Moreover I was pleasantly surprised.The Last Great Wilderness is a very low budget flick shot in the style of Dog Soldiers (lots of hand-held camera, bleak Scottish locations and swearing). Alistair McKenzie is Charlie, a lonely soul who is on a mission to Skye to burn down the house of the pop star who stole his wife (although we never get to meet either in the film). He bumps into Vincente, a half Spanish(?), half English fugitive on the run from some gangland thug who believes Vincente was banging his wife and wants to kill him for it. Vincente and Charlie, reluctantly, team up together and end up at a petrol station somewhere in Scotland with no petrol and a ghost. They chance upon a Lodge in the middle of Scottish nowhere, in search of help and petrol. Instead, they find a group of 'damaged' individuals sharing a retreat headed by David Hayman, a non judgemental fellow assisting with their treatment. Hayman's character takes the two men in and they are befriended of sorts by the community consisting of a sex addict, young mother and child, priest in conflict and a gamekeeper who is not part of the community. Vincente takes advantage of the 'sex addict' whilst Charlie strikes up conversation with Claire, the young mother. After it is revealed that the gamekeeper's daughter is the ghost that Vincente keeps seeing, things continue to get less clear. The head of the community, Ellie is dying and the two men take part in her wake, which involves them both dressing up as women. Whilst being made up by Claire, Charlie takes a leap of faith and makes love to her, an act which is quite touching, giving Charlie's troubled situation. Vincente, however, is pursued over the rough land by the gangland hired killers he has been running from and falls foul of both, his life being mercifully shortened by the gamekeeper whilst Charlie kills the two hired killers. There are no happy endings in this film, though as Charlie tries to return to life and leaves the community.For me, this film was enjoyable and had an edge to it which keeps the viewer guessing. Little questions crop up for example, why does the community take pictures of Charlie and Vincente when they are asleep? Why does Claire feel she has ruined three lives? Is there something more painful to Charlie's withdrawal? These questions are not answered but perhaps that's for the best.
james-786 This movie was billed as some kind of modern-day wicker-man, but it instead fails to be anything of the sort.Its not entertaining or scary in the least , the only reason it even qualifies for an 18- certificate is because of 5 minutes of mild nastiness right at the end. The movie builds tension and you wait fixed to the screen for the bad stuff to begin in the lonely lodge deep in the Scottish highlands. Instead you get a few mysteries which end up in nothing and are unresolved at the end, and a bunch of guys dressed as tarts at a funeral. The Wicker man this ain't, people. If you see the case in the video store, don't be fooled by the guff on the cover, because The Last Great Wilderness is the last great disappointment.
halvorsendotorg Two guys on the run end up in an ominous lodge in the Scottish Highlands. Starts as a road-movie, then hints in a gothic direction, before ending up as a Dogme meets "The Shining" meets the twisted sister of "Together". Nothing is what it seems.Edgy, bent and in periods very funny from Alastair and David Mackenzie. Not bad, just strange.
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