The Last Battle
The Last Battle
| 06 April 1983 (USA)
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The plot explores the devastation of civilization and issues of brutality, hostility and isolation. Pierre Jolivet stars as the main character (identified only as "The Man" in the end credits) who is menaced by "The Brute" (played by Jean Reno) on his journey through a world filled by people rendered nearly mute by some unknown incident.

Chirphymium It's entirely possible that sending the audience out feeling lousy was intentional
Humaira Grant It’s not bad or unwatchable but despite the amplitude of the spectacle, the end result is underwhelming.
Jakoba True to its essence, the characters remain on the same line and manage to entertain the viewer, each highlighting their own distinctive qualities or touches.
Cheryl A clunky actioner with a handful of cool moments.
FilmCriticLalitRao A viewer is not expected to know a lot about linguistics nor should have any prior knowledge of works authored by great Swiss linguist Ferdinand De Saussure (1857-1913) in order to comprehend that in the complete absence of sound, meanings are invariably conveyed through gestures. It is on this artistic tool that French film author Luc Besson worked with actor/director Pierre Jolivet to create a science fiction masterpiece in 1983. Le Dernier Combat is a unique futuristic film in which human civilization has been obliterated to a very large extent. What remains on earth is a small group of men would would not hesitate even for a moment in order to show their supremacy and regain complete control over their rivals. As Iranian actor/director Majid Majidi was judged as "Man Friday" for his artistic contribution in Mohsen Makhmalbaf film "Boycott", French actor/director Pierre Jolivet has achieved the same distinction by having played a main role in this Luc Besson film. In 1990, Pierre Jolivet achieved astonishing success with a science fiction film called "Simple Mortel". Most brave men do possess a sweet romantic side which helps them to channelize their energy. This feeling is expressed by Pierre Jolivet's character as a brutish man with a heart replete with feelings who would do anything to get closer to his beloved. Apart from a pleasant musical score by Eric Serra, veteran Italian cinematographer Carlo Varini has shot surreal images for this film. It would be worth mentioning troubles faced by actor Jean Reno when he has tough time collecting fishes falling from sky. It is not only admirers of science fiction films who should watch "The last combat" with utmost care but also anyone genuinely interested in good cinema as Luc Besson has drafted a highly original scenario which could easily beat any Hollywood science fiction film.
tataf With his first attempt Besson knocks it out of the park! Le Dernier Combat is an odd friendship tale and love story told with no words set in a post apocalyptic world that looks like no other. We are carried through this miserable landscape with unparalleled lightness and ease. It looks attractive enough for us to want to live there, albeit deserted and rundown. Besson inserts it with interesting new stuff for the main character to use - a self made plane, cassette player and a blow up doll. In fact every film in the genre introduces something new to the post apocalyptic world that is used in following movies. However Besson got his artistic touch all over this one. Fast, pacey episodes are followed by slow almost poetic moments of observation. It is breathtaking and visually stunning.It is really hard to tell the humanity in characters that can't speak and only moo and make gestures. But Besson makes them draw wall paintings and eat on table-cloths using forks and knives. The Doctor and The Man really grow on each other and in the end The Doctor reveals his biggest secret. Buildig up of characters without using dialog is quite challenging and masterfully done.A genius is born!
xsfanning I thought Besson's film managed to do without words what few films have been able to do with them; Capture true human emotions. The main character's struggles, triumphs, set backs, hopes and desires are all so honestly shown that you wonder if he is acting at all. The film has a low budget and is obviously made without the glitz and glamour afforded to most Hollywood productions but that minimalism is what allows this film to transcend the stereotypical Sci-Fi labeling and become a true drama. However calling this film solely a drama would take away from the fantastic post-apocalyptic plot. True this type of movie has been done been before but I think this one captures the joys and sorrows of that type of world possibly better than any other one does.
markjephson I am not an expert on film and saw this only by accident on TV years ago. Without knowing the title or director I have been trying to find out what it was ever since. I have just stumbled across it in my local video rental shop and it is just as I remembered. To me a film does not have to be completely original ( mad max, lack of dialogue ) or super fast, have everything explained or even add to 'our understanding of human nature' to be enjoyed. My advice is to sit back, relax and watch this to the end.