The L.A. Riot Spectacular
The L.A. Riot Spectacular
| 25 April 2005 (USA)
The L.A. Riot Spectacular Trailers

The controversial satire The LA Riot Spectacular plays for mordent laughs the events that consumed L.A. in 1992, after the police officers on trial for beating motorist Rodney King were found innocent. The city was engulfed by a massive riot, but the film plays these moments for laughs. In addition to recreating some of the images seen on television, the film skewers a variety of figures including the police, the media, and the citizens of the city.

Alicia I love this movie so much
Actuakers One of my all time favorites.
Nayan Gough A great movie, one of the best of this year. There was a bit of confusion at one point in the plot, but nothing serious.
Jonah Abbott There's no way I can possibly love it entirely but I just think its ridiculously bad, but enjoyable at the same time.
mrwilder-57566 This movie is just one man's bias tall tale of what a one man think happened during the 1992 L.A. Riots. A movie with lots of misleading information with bias commentary; blaming the media for showing the video they wanted to be shown and paying tribute to the rioters who attacked innocent people. Mr. Snoop Dogg needs to stop smoking so much because he's forgetting lots of facts and important information on what really happened leading up to and during the riots. Well this movie is suppose to be "funny", I was only laughing at Mr. Snoop Dogg for his narration of his point of view of the riots. What a waste of money spent on this burning piece of garbage.
bozo2bozo2 It's weak and obvious, with only modest production values, a ham-handed script, and labored humor. If the director and writer were sophomores in high school, I'd give them very high marks, but they're not. There are some good actors here, although it's a challenge to see that. So what's wrong with it? Satire is supposed to give the viewer a dose of reality and then, with subtlety and taste, twist it. This movie takes the most obvious idea and walks with it... oh... so... slowly. You get it. You GET IT. But it just keeps going. It's like any of a thousand of bad Saturday Night Live skits, where in the first twenty seconds all comedic juice has been squeezed out of that lemon... but no: you've got another ten minutes. And then a commercial.I'd suggest that if you get it for free (for god's sake, don't spend any money on it), you watch it long enough to figure out that it's not worth the time you spent; after, you'll wonder why you wasted that half-hour of your life.
Jake Schmidt The true story of the L.A. Riots has been a tale nobody had the right to tell, until now. The producers take a hard and truthful look at the human dynamics and social turmoil that is Los Angeles, then throw in a dark humor that ends up speaking the truth for all of us. No matter what social or ethnic group you are from, you'll feel a twinge of pain, a bit of righteousness, and a healthy amount of sadness at the condition we all share: Apathy mixed with fear. I watched this film with an active duty veteran policeman from LAPD, and he reminded me of one of those "bobble head dolls" you see in people's back windshields: He had a perpetual smile on his face but his head was either swinging side to side or bobbling up and down. Even when Snoop Dog starts chanting "F*** the Police, F*** the Police" it's easy to understand his (and many Angeleno's) frustration at the huge barrier in communication that divides L.A. government and it's people. This film speaks to that frustration, and keeps the question's alive.
jbw242 As an avid movie fanatic I'd have to say that I have not laughed so hard in a long time. I saw this film with three friends at the Tribeca Film Festival and we all agreed that it was one of the funniest movies we've seen in years. Immediately after walking out of the theater and the entire evening afterward we could not stop thinking about the countless hilarious parts of this film. But at the same time the film does portray the seriousness of the riots that occurred in LA in the early 90s. The all-star cast, some of whom took on quite controversial roles, was fantastic. And along with the excellent editing between the actual video clips from the riots and the shots filmed for the movie, it made one great film. I can't wait for Rockhard Films to find a distributor for this film, because I have to see this movies again. The second I left the theater I wanted to watch it all over again. So if you are listening distribution companies...Pick Up This Film...Please!