The Killing Time
The Killing Time
R | 23 October 1987 (USA)
The Killing Time Trailers

After a psychopath murders a man who was on his way to a job as a deputy sheriff in a small California town, he assumes the deputy's identity and arrives in town to start his new 'job'. What he doesn't know is that the recently appointed sheriff and his mistress are plotting to murder her evil husband—and blame it on the new deputy.

GazerRise Fantastic!
ShangLuda Admirable film.
FirstWitch A movie that not only functions as a solid scarefest but a razor-sharp satire.
Geraldine The story, direction, characters, and writing/dialogue is akin to taking a tranquilizer shot to the neck, but everything else was so well done.
Bene Cumb Above all, I mean the opening and ending scenes, which could be different: the first killed a lot of thrill for subsequent events, the latter was too abrupt and short. The tensions are also not maintained high throughout the movie and events connected to the past remain vague and uncompleted. Dramatic scenes end as suddenly as they begin and do often not provide additional value to the movie; the plot does not run smoothly, the scenes are rather "minced".But performances are good (Bridges, Baker, Kath) or great (Sutherland, Rogers); Madsen could have played a bigger part. The Killing Time fits quite well into its title, especially if you like something happening in a quiet American town, without constant chases and bursts.
jonnismith I rented this movie and was very disappointed in it. I like Kiefer a lot, but this is not one of his best performances. His acting isn't bad, but it's not good either. The movie is boring and I should have rented something else. And as for Camelia Kath, I've seen better looking scare-crows in farmer's fields. She's gross! The story line is nothing special, good cop against bad cop. This can get boring really fast. Wife plans murder of her husband with her boyfriend. Brilliant! And you just know it's not going to go as planned. If you need help getting to sleep tonight, rent or buy this movie. Sweet dreams!!! I give this movie a 1 out of 10.
merklekranz Having just watched another Kiefer Sutherland good movie (Truth or Consequences N.M.), I found "The Killing Time" almost equal. True the end was probably as predictable as ever, but getting there was as twisty as a California coastal road. Michael Madsen kind of disappeared, and that was somewhat disappointing. The character development was very good, the acting was fine also. I found the enjoyment level better than some of Quentin Tarantino's supposed classics. It is no "Fargo" but has that kind of feel to it. You could do much worse for an evenings entertainment. I give "The Killing Time" a solid 6.5 stars. - MERK
sulo This one could have been better. The scenario works, the good cop not being totally good and the bad guy not entirely bad. Beau Bridges does a reliable job and Kiefer Sutherland even works to do a role out of the ordinary kiefer. However, the director ruins everything. The result is boring beyond limits. All the suspense comes from the screenplay and the final is totally flat. As a matter of fact, I have never seen a movie where screenplay and direction differ in quality as clearly as in this one.