The Ketchup Effect
The Ketchup Effect
R | 06 June 2004 (USA)
The Ketchup Effect Trailers

A teenager's reputation is destroyed when she falls asleep drunk at a party and some boys take provocative photos of her.

Kattiera Nana I think this is a new genre that they're all sort of working their way through it and haven't got all the kinks worked out yet but it's a genre that works for me.
Jeanskynebu the audience applauded
ChanFamous I wanted to like it more than I actually did... But much of the humor totally escaped me and I walked out only mildly impressed.
Bumpy Chip It’s not bad or unwatchable but despite the amplitude of the spectacle, the end result is underwhelming.
Torgo_Approves I'm not going to waste more than one paragraph on this rubbish. It's just one of those movies, among many, that make you ashamed to be Swedish. Why do we have to put up with steaming crap like this, let alone praise it? It's NOT realistic, it's merely a Swedish remake of the equally pseudo-shocking "Thirteen", only with a dumber sense of humour and minus the hotness of Evan Rachel Wood. The plot is dull, the jokes are mind-numbing (not to mention incredibly awkward and out of place in a movie which supposedly portrays teenage life as it really is), the performances sub-par. I don't know what else to say except don't see this and watch Torkel i Knipa instead. It's a movie about teenage life which is easier to relate to, much funnier, and oh, it doesn't suck. Unsurprisingly that film came from Denmark, a country which is so much better at movie-making than Sweden, it's embarrassing.
satoshisama I watched this movie... I dunno. I think it's plain crap from beginning to the end. In Sweden, dozen teachers has gathered to make film to tell teenagers NOT to drink alcohol and NOT do drugs and NOT have sex for once in your life. Oh, and don't forget to listen your parents and always remember that if someone tries to make suicide, begin best friends with him/her.Remember the teaching films from grade school times? This film is one of those. I don't like this film and I really.. REALLY can't understand anyone who says otherwise. If you do, school teachers's teaching propaganda has gotten you. Try watch some MOVIES for a change!
multivitamin I. Think. This. Is. The. Best. Movie. I've. Ever. Seen. Just see it,already!You know, it covers everything. How awful it can be to grow up...and... how awful kids can be to each other. But also, how beautifulrelations between people can be. It's just realistic, the only thing that could have been better is thatit's way too short. I'm SO looking forward to see the director's cutversion!Till then, just check it out, and if you can't feel familiar with theembarrassing, touching, funny and painful situations, I wonderwhere on earth you come from.
knaalto I saw this movie a couple of days ago with my girlfriend and I must say it is sad but true. The movie that is directed by Teresa Fabik shows that she knows what she is talking about, it's sad and chocking that the society is like this (at least in Sweden). The movie tells the truth that nobody wants to talk about, how girls in schools (not only in schools) have to find themselves as sexual objects that boys/men can do what they please with and then get away with it as common behavior.I would urge all schools in Sweden to show this movie in an educational purpose. I would rate this movie 10/10 no doubt about it.
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