The Karate Dog
The Karate Dog
PG | 05 May 2004 (USA)
The Karate Dog Trailers

When LAPD computer expert Peter Fowler investigates the killing of an old man in Chinatown, he finds the only witness is his dog, Cho Cho. But Fowler soon discovers Cho Cho is the only dog in the world who can speak to humans... not only that, Cho Cho is an expert in martial arts. When they join forces to track down the mastermind behind the death of Cho Cho's master, it leads these unusual partners into uncovering a dangerous conspiracy which puts both of their lives in danger.

Evengyny Thanks for the memories!
Abbigail Bush what a terribly boring film. I'm sorry but this is absolutely not deserving of best picture and will be forgotten quickly. Entertaining and engaging cinema? No. Nothing performances with flat faces and mistaking silence for subtlety.
Taha Avalos The best films of this genre always show a path and provide a takeaway for being a better person.
Bob This is one of the best movies I’ve seen in a very long time. You have to go and see this on the big screen.
cbunyea Karate Dog changed my life. I must know what Karate Dog is up to now. I know he must be fighting crime, and kicking the crap out of bad guys somewhere. He is amazing. My favorite part was the dog party (not the one at the end). My second favorite part was Jon Voigt racing the dogs on the track. My third favorite part was Mr. Miagi's role as Karate Dog's sensei. My fourth favorite part was when Karate Dog was feeding lines to Detective Jackass when he was on his date with Jaime Pressley. My fifth favorite part was when Karate Dog and Jon Voigt were fighting on the roof, and Karate Dog KICKED HIS ASS!! My sixth favorite part was when Karate Dog was being interrogated by the Police, and remained silent!! HA HA! My seventh favorite part was when Karate Dog was driving the Detective's car and crashed it into a pond! My eighth favorite part was Jon Voigt drinking the neon juice and acting all young and vibrant. Funny stuff! My ninth favorite part was when the babies tried to steal the van from the day care center...oh wait. Thats from my SECOND FAVORITE MOVIE, SUPERBABIES: Baby Geniuses 2. See my review there, its great.My ninth favorite part from KARATE DOG, ha!, was EVERY time Chevy Chase said something funny. Which was always. My tenth favorite part was when they blew up all those computers by inserting a CD. And closely following that, actually, before that, I enjoyed Karate Dog going in there mission-impossible style to copy the CD in the first place.Need I say more? Come on folks. This is comedic genius. Every time it is on Showtime or HBO I watch it, eyes glued to the screen. And seriously, when is Karate Cat coming out?
daltimus1 This movie is a great family film. Looking for something clean, fun and entertaining for the whole family, this movie will serve the purpose. It is by no means a riveting drama or a hilarious comedy. However, it will be fun for the kids and mildly entertaining for adults. Just by the tittle you should get the idea that the movie is not a serious one. The dog in this movie who talks and does karate is bent on helping a cop find the killer of his previous owner. The cop gets himself into all kinds of trouble as he struggles to produce evidence. Of course a minor plot is his relationship with a female cop who he infatuated with. The dog of course tries to help him with this as well. I guess you will have to watch to see how everything turns out.
Knewsense78 Where to begin with THE KARATE DOG, a terrible movie from beginning to end. What could of been a funny movie ends up being a snoozer. Or, is that a woofer? Anyway, everyone is wasted in this movie. Now, I know Simon Rex is no, well, he's not much of anything but he has been in better movies than this crap fest. Jaime Pressly, his love interest, must of graduated from C.A.C., CRAP ACTRESS COLLEGE, cause if she does have any acting talent of any kind she damn sure doesn't display it here. Watching her act is like pooping razor blades, pretty damn painful. No, I've never pooped razor blades but you know it would be painful. Hell, it would probably kill you. And what's up with Jon Voight? His performance as the bad guy is so over-the-top it is pathetic. I will admit, Cho-Cho is quite unique but even the Karate Dog can't hold this movie together. I did laugh in this movie. It wasn't at anything that was said or done though. It was at the damn CGI, so crappy it made my eyes sore. They say not to lay down with sleeping dogs cause you'll wake up with fleas and I'll never lay down to watch this movie again. Damn, something's biting me!!!
james_jonathan_turner May I just say what enjoyment was had during this dog/comedy/action extravaganza. The film truly hit the right buttons in my head. The funniest part with the dog was when the dog fell into a man trap... but lived! I found the greatest laughs to be when chevy chase spoke in voice. Too many films now have thought and meaning, but the real meaning here was from karate dog! Too many dogs can't speak in film but this film had real incite into the head of a dog that fight like miagimu. Can I just say how laughs and fun explode from that dog. The combination of laugh and drama was too suspensely for my head at times! I await more adventure of the fight dog, for the laugh and fun truly captured the spirit of talk dog.