The Jungle
The Jungle
| 30 June 2013 (USA)
The Jungle Trailers

A big cat conservationist and his filmmaker brother travel into the Indonesian jungle to find and document the rare and endangered Javan leopard. As they travel deeper and deeper into the jungle they come to the realisation that they are being stalked by a deadly predator.

Solemplex To me, this movie is perfection.
Micitype Pretty Good
Mjeteconer Just perfect...
Portia Hilton Blistering performances.
andyp-01117 This was a horrible movie, 1h20 and you get to see the monster for 3 seconds at the end. An absolute waste of time! Hand-held shaky camera throughout, OK, so its a genre, but it needs to have a purpose and this film had none. Suspense? None. Some background into the history surrounding the monster would have helped, but no, just a couple natives talking about werewolves. Looked more like a big foot. Acting was OK, but again, no where near the terror that the characters brought to life in Blair Witch. There ought to be some regulatory body that prevents some movies from being made. This review will never get published because the only thing worse than this movie is trying to publish a review on this crappy web site. It says I must have 10 lines, but hey, I can only wine so much. Give it a rest IMDb, I'm sure you are full of yourselves. Goodbye, and oh yeah, you can kill my account, please.
tomato-elephant I really hated Blair Witch Project, I really liked The Tunnel, so that should give you an idea where this movie sits. It's a good horror movie. So if you wan to get scared, buy or rent this DVD, turn the lights down and watch it. I really like horror movies with logical ending so this one sits in logical ending category... It could have been better but I still enjoyed it. I think hand-held camera movies reached the level of well produced movies, but don't forget: IT IS A HAND HELD CAMERA MOVIE. Meaning: there is lots of running with a camera, screaming, shaking, visuals are not you bright daylight see everything scenes. I thought the night vision camera scenes were cool.
druidlord There is little that can be said about this film that others before me haven't already written. It is a terrible film that had so much potential but decided to through that off the mountain in favour of utter trash.The main character is someone who strolls of into the jungle and acts like he knows every inch of it. He totally ignores advise from the native peoples and regularly put others around him in danger. He is an arse and frankly, I would have shot him within the first day. To then disrespect other peoples beliefs just defies belief. This in its own right makes this film utter crass. If anything needed saving, its everyone else, from him! Strangely, the two "natives" are better acted than any of the others particularly the tracker.As to the "monster/demon" Don't make me laugh. I agree with another reviewer, it should have been a super sized leopard or beast or something along that line. Not seeing the creature involved properly works in some films but not in this one. It just leave you bored and utterly disappointed. Thank god I hadn't just bought this. It would have been an utter waste.My advice - go watch paint dry. Its far more entertaining and far more riveting. Gremlins was more believable than this.Rant over. Good luck to any of you that actually sit down and watch it. You've been warned!!!
Bruno Durães Penela I'm all in favour of movies like Blair Witch Project with that "held camera" type of shooting.The jungle starts off as something that could have turned into a great low budget movie. Instead it goes on a downhill road from the very beginning.Starting with the main characters on their way to the jungle - without any actual detail of what the jungle looks like but a bunch of trees - as they dwell deeper all we get is the main character that comes across as persistent and egocentric guy trying to find A leopard... Even the fact that they bumped into the natives could've leave you guessing if you're going to find a secret cult or ritual.. but no. There is no actual development to the characters and as time goes by you'll find yourself looking at the time, wondering how much longer until it ends. After a "close encounter", 4 minutes before the movie finishes, we get a glimpse of what the creature looks like which is nothing but as what could be described as a hairy man with a wolf mask.. Something more plausible and appealing could've happened here... Not to mention that throughout the movie there is no actual scenes where this "hairy masked man" could be seen and all we get are branches braking and big roars.It leaves the viewers without nothing to expect and with an end feeling of the so called "deja vu" - seen it all before..