The Invisible Guardian
The Invisible Guardian
| 03 March 2017 (USA)
The Invisible Guardian Trailers

When the naked body of a teenage girl is found on the banks of the River Baztán, it is quickly linked to a similar murder one month before. Soon, rumours are flying in the nearby village of Elizondo. Is this the work of a ritualistic killer or is it the basajaun, the ‘invisible guardian’ of Basque mythology? Inspector Amaia Salazar leads the investigation, taking her back to the heart of the Basque country where she was born, and where she hoped never to return. Shrouded in mist and surrounded by impenetrable forests, it is a place of unresolved conflicts and a terrible secret from Amaia’s childhood that will come back to haunt her. Faced with the superstitions of the village, Amaia must fight the demons of her past to confront the reality of a serial killer on the loose. But as she is drawn deeper into the investigation, she feels the presence of something darker lurking in the shadows…

Nonureva Really Surprised!
SoTrumpBelieve Must See Movie...
Tedfoldol everything you have heard about this movie is true.
Usamah Harvey The film's masterful storytelling did its job. The message was clear. No need to overdo.
Atrey Doury How do you justify a crack investigator who goes through investigation with trigger - happy tear ducts and near hysterical ambience? You cannot! Particularly when this investigator is supposed to have been chosen specifically for her competence. There are a lot of grievances for this one, suffice it to say that it is a mediocre production with less than competent acting, nigh ridiculous script and the less said about the alleged mystery the better. I am sick - and - tired of emotionally broken investigator stereotype that celluloid is still selling. Mostly because you need one hell of a director to pull them off otherwise they are just annoying as hell and futile. Just like this movie.Photography is top - notch. Hence two stars.
thanhquyennguyen The story line wasn't very realistic for then handling crime scenes, not dealing with conflict of interests and portrait her was weak for a detective. If she was a detective and good at what she does not sure why she called her Mentor.The overall plot was interesting. Would have been more believable if these issues were addressed.
Ruthie Pearlman I have never been to Spain. I am a Londoner originally but live in Israel now where the weather is constantly gorgeous, at least in summer, and one of my first thoughts of this movie was : "Is it ever going to stop raining?" (No, it didn't! Is that a spoiler in itself?!) However, I was very gripped by this bleak, atmospheric story of a young FBI trained detective's search for a serial killer in her home town. I agree that some of the characters were much too black and white. Evil sister, evil mother, etc, who seemed to have no good side to them at all, although I loved the quote by Evil Sister at the end when she killed the serial killer, thus saving Our Heroine's life and said "if I waited for you to catch him, the countryside would be littered with dead girls." That was classic!I was extremely moved and disturbed by the horrific tragic and sad events in our heroine's childhood that have scarred her. They lingered in my brain far far longer than the actual serial killings and the investigation into them. How anyone can go through that and come out remotely functional at the other end is a miracle. The little actress who played the detective as a child was absolutely wonderful. Worth watching.
Nilanjan Banerjee I started watching this movie with less expectation but it turned out to be one of the best serial killer movie I have seen. The atmosphere along with acting of all were top notch. The way several mysteries were dealt which were all connected were built was simply superb.. I thoroughly enjoyed the movie.. Highly recommended for all who loves crime thrillers..