Horrible, fascist and poorly acted
The biggest problem with this movie is it’s a little better than you think it might be, which somehow makes it worse. As in, it takes itself a bit too seriously, which makes most of the movie feel kind of dull.
The movie's not perfect, but it sticks the landing of its message. It was engaging - thrilling at times - and I personally thought it was a great time.
One of the film's great tricks is that, for a time, you think it will go down a rabbit hole of unrealistic glorification.
I was very surprised by this little gem, because Hungarian movies are often accused of bad acting and low budget clichés. Well, this movie has them too - but they somehow managed to turn these weaknesses into strengths, therefore creating the perfect antisocial hero: Tibor Malkáv. I mean his character is built up perfectly - we only know the most important things, that he shares with others. Which is not much. But at least nobody get's confused by long discussions. It's just enough to keep the viewer interested throughout the movie. Also some "art" scenes appear from time to time - but don't let this keep you away -, they didn't overdo it: it's perfectly enjoyable even for people less interested in symbolic mindbogglings. Music, story and script also great. Unfortunately some less talented acting also appears in minor roles - won't ruin the show, but a bit irritating. A bigger issue was costumes and sets. They captured Eastern European reality well with Tibor's flat, car or the dissecting room, but it got a bit more confusing towards the end. I know most people won't notice, but there are situations when it looked dumb. This movie could have really earned at least 0,5 star more if the creators had the money.
Gigor Attila's first movie is a well-done European art movie.Let me first explain what I mean by using the term "European art movie": these are (mostly, though not exclusively) European movies that differ significantly from Hollywood movies in style (slow-paced story, less action, more atmosphere, more realistic characters, more emphasis in social or individual problems, a bit more experimenting e.g. with the photography, with the story, etc.). However, although the stylistic differences might give you the illusion of real value, these movies are basically as empty as their Hollywood counterparts: no message, no catharsis. Just pure entertainment, albeit for a different audience: instead of teenagers drinking coke in McDonalds looking for action and special visual effects, it is more for university students drinking green tea in a tea-house, looking for the aforementioned stylistic elements.So, this is the field where this movie tries to make an impression. And it succeeds, mostly. There is an excellent start and some interesting characters (a lonely, shy and quite weird anatomist and his wannabe girlfriend). There is a relatively good story with some unexpected twists (experienced viewer may guess them, though). And finally, there is the obligatory "artistic" element, this time taken from Woody Allen (at least I saw similar ideas in his movies): in some points the movie gets surreal by showing the main character's thoughts and dreams: these are probably the best parts of the film. Of course this is not a perfect movie, there are a few inconsistencies in the script, but in summary it is an enjoyable piece. That is, if you like the genre.
Balazs Csaszar
I had high expectations when going to see this film. It had quite unanimously garnered words of exultation from critics and movie buffs. And not undeservedly so, as I was about to find out in 90 minutes.The Inspector is pure and unpretentious. A true crime story - the end of which keeps you guessing until the closing sequences - with a delicate touch of humour and outright wittiness. A black comedy, true to the heritage of Shallow Grave and Very Bad Things, that is also reminiscent by its purity of the classics of film-noir. Certain qualities make you think about Claude Chabrol and Francois Ozon, others about David Lynch, while it is apparent that it was Six Feet Under that had the most influence on writer-director Attila Gigor. The Inspector is the quintessence of the best attributes of great pieces of the past, yet unique and utterly ingenious. In some scenes the protagonist's thoughts are shared with the viewers through sublime dialogues or monologues of other characters (some already dead by then), which make the film all the more bravely experimental.Although I can only praise this piece of work with pleasant and justifiably complimenting words there was something I lacked in it. Something that would make it easier for me to rate it a tener. Something that is very difficult to articulate. Perhaps the best word for that would be catharsis. Yes, that was what I did not feel no matter how hard I tried. It just did not come. Don't get me wrong, this is a must see nonetheless. Way better than average. Actually, no crime story have managed to make me wonder what the outcome would be in quite a while.
There were a lot of good reviews on this title, so my girlfriend asked me to go and see this title with her. To tell the truth, I had low expectations: I thought this was going to be either a "too artistic" thing, or what is even worse, a cheap comedy. Boy, was I wrong! This is truly delicate and talented film making. The tone seemed very unusual, almost uncomfortable in the first few minutes, and there were some scenes which resembled "Six Feet Under" a bit too much. However, as the story went on, everything clicked into place: it was entertaining, well paced, and soon I was totally carried away with the flow. Acting was superb, especially by Zsolt Anger, who really steal the show. At the very end, there is a very well constructed and sophisticated moment, a small joke, that kind of wakes you up and shows you that what you have just seen is a masterpiece.Let me also add that the tone of the movie reminded me of the work of stage director Bela Pinter: sin and punishment, serious themes, deep thoughts - all perfectly wrapped in a comedy-like outfit, a perfect mix. Modern, lightweight, entertaining - this movie is a work of art.