The House of the Spirits
The House of the Spirits
R | 31 March 1994 (USA)
The House of the Spirits Trailers

A rancher, his clairvoyant wife and their family face turbulent years in South America.

Grimerlana Plenty to Like, Plenty to Dislike
Actuakers One of my all time favorites.
Console best movie i've ever seen.
Merolliv I really wanted to like this movie. I feel terribly cynical trashing it, and that's why I'm giving it a middling 5. Actually, I'm giving it a 5 because there were some superb performances.
Note Two I first watched this movie at a theater in Cairo, Egypt around October or November 1996. Although released in 1993, it is still relevant to this day, which is only possible because it indeed is a rare masterpiece. For those who have not gone through the perils of evil politics and foreign intervention in their countries, it might be difficult for them to grasp the many meanings this movie delivers. They simply cannot relate unless they try to put themselves in the place of the movie's characters and what they were going through.There aren't enough words that can describe the pain a person can feel when his and his countrymen's freedom and personal liberties are taken away as a result of the unjust foreign policy of a another country and in the case of this movie, with the collaboration of some of his own arrogant countrymen.The story, The House of the Spirits, written by Isabelle Allende, who is a relative of the democratically elected President of Chile Salvador Allende who was deposed of - with foreign intervention - by the country's powerful General Augusto Pinochet, covers the turmoil Chile went through during that period of time - before the coup and after (without actually mentioning the real names of the players - instead she uses fictitious names). With the exception of only a few fairy-tale like scenes involving talented veteran actress Meryl Streep's telepathic supernatural character (and a few unnecessary love scenes), the movie was extremely well executed. Rarely does a movie combine such a solid team of actors and actresses as did this movie, Jeremey Irons, Winona Ryder, Antonio Banderas, Meryl Streep, Maria Alonso, Sarita Choudhury, Glenn Close, Joaquín Martínez, Grace Gummer, Armin Mueller-Stahl, Vincent Gallo, Miriam Colon and Hannah Taylor Gordon combined together did a great job telling this rarely told story genre. It's a must see for everyone wishing to enjoy excellent acting, a real story, and for those interested in politics, democracy and the transformation to complete military authoritarianism (far from boring as these topics might appear to some, the movie is very exciting), definitely a must see. It will hopefully demonstrate to you the horrendous effects of a foreign policy that doesn't place justice and fairness at the forefront of its priorities. I hope you enjoy it. :)
Blueghost According the BBC's documentary "The Other 9/11" (a film looking back at the coup in Chile in 1973), half the nation, half the people, supported Pinochet, or rather were opposed to Allende's massive nationalization of private property, and against the government providing a larger group of social services at the expense of private industry.With that in mind, it means that the other half supported Allende. The nation was split down the middle.So what does that have to do with this film? This film shows a Chilean Hacienda owner brutalizing women, and forcing himself on others to get what he wants. And then, towards the end of the film, he has a change of heart.Huh.The problem here is that the conservative right wing, of which Jeremy Irons' character is a part, are shown as sexually repressed or twisted individuals. Whereas the free and family loving faction (predominantly women) are shown as normal and, on that note, having a kind of divinity which helps them overcome the repressions of a fathers right-leaning home dictatorship. Jeremy Irons, Meryl Streep, Antonio Banderas, Glenn Close and other contemporary actors form an all star cast for what really is an exceptionally well put together film.The problem comes down to the fact that it is factually flawed to push an agenda, as are a lot of films of this ilk. Like I said in my opening, half the people actually did support Pinochet and his coup. That's not to excuse the abuses of the Chilean military, but it should give people pause to wonder why there was such a split in Chilean society. This is never addressed.What is shown is Jeremy Irons' character being what the director believes is an archetypal successful businessman. Well, I suppose if that were true, then the founder of American Airlines, ABC, Microsoft, Intel, Del Monte Foods, Goodyear Tires, Lurssen Yachts (and a host of private firms world wide) were all sexually repressed rapists who impregnated women so they could give birth to pedophilia rapists. Further, that said businessmen frequented prostitutes to satiate sexual desires.For anyone who owns a business, has gone into business for themselves, or who has worked into a management position, ask yourself, how true is that of you? How about your competition? Was Steve Jobs or Bill Gates molded from such DNA?Answer; no.To the director; if you're going to make a film about a familie's personal history regarding the Chilean coup of 1973 (which I remember), then make that film. Don't push some political agenda to share your skewed version of how you think things should be. Make the film of how things were.A finely crafted film. It looks good, it moves well in the story department, it does get pretty hokey with the spirituality (borderline laughable), but otherwise it's an okay piece of cinema.But, as a pro-business American who is hawkish on international politics, I think this movie's theme is poor at best. Tragically flawed and an outright lie and shame upon the director at worst.
Armand it is the right word for describe the epic story, the beautiful acting, the inspired adaptation . and for the high care for details who defines each scene. story of family and choices, crisis and principles, it is a large social portrait. the traces of drama are translated in powerful images. the music, the costumes, the atmosphere - parts of a great show about the fight against history. a film about sacrifices and about need of the other. cold, strange, sentimental, cruel in few scenes. but convincing at whole. one of rare works for the emotion of viewer because it has the gift to remember dramas who escapes from history book . short - real impressive.
vickiswanson 2013 - and I have never even heard of this movie !!!! What a surprise ! The Book must have been fantastic because the movie is such a journey through the lives of this Chilean family. Jeromy Irons is extremely good, Wynona Ryder plays her part well, Meryl Streep as always is excellent and to think she was only 50 at the time, she plays an excellent Matriarc, Antonia Banderas's part is limited perhaps Melanie Griffiths didn't want him too close to Wynona ???????? I thought the had great on screen appeal as a couple. all in all it is a movie I will recommend to others - simply can't believe I had not heard of it before now. If this is a true interpretation of the era in Chile, I am so glad I live in Australia.
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