The House of the Dead
The House of the Dead
PG | 22 November 1978 (USA)
The House of the Dead Trailers

When a philandering husband accidentally finds himself lost during a rainstorm, he’s taken in by an elderly mortician and is forced to learn the ghastly origins of four freshly arrived corpses.

Clevercell Very disappointing...
Console best movie i've ever seen.
Catangro After playing with our expectations, this turns out to be a very different sort of film.
Bob This is one of the best movies I’ve seen in a very long time. You have to go and see this on the big screen.
HumanoidOfFlesh "Alien Zone" aka "House of the Dead" features four creepy stories told by a creepy embalmer.A man lost on his way to hotel listens to his tales.The first tale about a school teacher who hates children managed to creep me out.This nervous woman is being stalked by little children hidden behind their disturbing clown masks.The second story about serial killer of women,who enjoys filming his victims is quite boring and tedious.The stories number three and four are worth checking out.I still don't know why this film was titled "Alien Zone",because there are no aliens or galaxy invaders in it.A passable "Twilight Zone"-ish anthology.7 aliens of of 10.
junk-monkey A 1978 portmanteaux 'Horror' film made in Oklahoma. However bad that sounds to you - the reality is worse.This is, apart from anything else, a very dull film. Highlights included the longest (pointless) slow zoom in on a radio sat on a toilet ever committed to film as a bad actress exited frame, got undressed off screen, put on a dressing gown and reappeared. It's pure pointless padding. You could almost hear them discussing this shot in the editing suite:"This is a hell of a long pointless shot, I think we aught to cut away to something and cheat her coming back in." "Are you crazy? That will be over far too fast, leave it as it is. It's filling up 45 seconds of screen time - leave it, we'll get a feature out of this yet..." The dialogue is dreadful: leaden, repetitive, and pointless (what could hear of it - the copy I watched came as part of the 50 DVD box set called Nightmare Worlds and the print - or the transfer - is dreadful. The sound is muffled and for great periods the colour alternates between being totally washed-out, or so incredibly dark you cannot see anything on the screen. This combined with the dodgy sound did not make for easy watching.)The whole movie has the feel of a bunch of student/ amateur shorts nailed together with a framing device to make a feature.Don't bother.
baglebites I put this movie in with my 12 year old cousin..and we were both blown away!! We expected it to be horrible acting and a hard to follow story. But yah..after i watched it i was speechless!! I loved how original all the stories were in the funeral home. The most boring one would have to be the guy who lures girls to his house and kills them!! haha. But this movie is worth seeing for anyone that likes good stories. I even had my friend watch it with me and he gave it a 9 out of 10!! Definitely one of my favorite old movies that was never popular!! If anyone has any suggestions as to some other good old movies...tell me some!!!
jeff-728 A mortician explains to a man seeking shelter from the rain how the corpses in his mortuary came to be there. There are 4 coffins and as he opens the lid of each one the movie cuts to a short story about how that person died. The first is about a teacher who hates kids. The second about a man who lures women into his home and murders them while capturing it all on film. The second has two top shelf detectives in a battle of wits to see who is the worlds leading criminologist. The fourth is about a man how doesn't give a damn about anyone but himself and is tortured by unseen forces. The man seeking shelter has unknowingly been lured to this place by his own indiscretions. Quite good though the title Alien Zone is somewhat confusing. I bought this movie under the title of House of the Dead which is much more appropriate.
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