The Honkers
The Honkers
| 17 May 1972 (USA)
The Honkers Trailers

An over-the-hill rodeo champion is so self-centered that he ignores his wife, son, and best friend.

Steineded How sad is this?
LouHomey From my favorite movies..
Beanbioca As Good As It Gets
InformationRap This is one of the few movies I've ever seen where the whole audience broke into spontaneous, loud applause a third of the way in.
HardToFindMovies I just watched The Honkers this afternoon and was most impressed. James Coburn is great to watch as a hard living rodeo champ who has returned to his hometown and long suffering family for a bull riding competition. Slim Pickins plays Coburn's best friend and guardian angel as a rodeo clown who always has his back. The direction by the late Steve Ihnat is outstanding and the filmography is great. I enjoyed the bull riding scenes which must have been from real competitions. This film depicts a man's decline and disrespect of his own life, yet somehow Coburn's suburb acting causes the viewer to still have sympathy for his character. All the supporting actors also do a fine job. This film shows the price that is paid from daily hard drinking, fighting, breaking promises and sleeping around...and Coburn shows this beautifully. For great scenes of 1970s southern hard living with great James Coburn acting you need to see this picture.
mike dewey An extremely down-to-earth, well made and acted "Rodeo" Western. No gussied up stars needed here as all cast members were regular people telling a real life story about a rodeo hustler and his entourage in the 60's and 70's West. But hats off particularly to Slim Pickens for giving what I think was his signature performance, especially given the fact that he had been a rodeo clown in real life. His role went far beyond the mere clown role as he deeply dealt with all the "ups and downs" of the hard-nosed rodeo life and the psychological devastation that so frequently surrounds such a life style. He and Mr. Coburn teamed up extremely well as partners, not only on the circuit itself, but also in the real world outside the corral. Also, check out Anne Archer as Coburn's Native American love interest in the latter part of the movie. Must have been one of her first roles. Not as flashy, perhaps, as "Junior Bonner", but equally heart rendering and impacting in its portrayal. Thanks to the Encore Western Channel for showing this true grit of an under-rated movie from time to time.
brooklyn-15 This is one of those movies that was never publicized and therefore was missed when it originally played in the theaters.I came across it while switching TV channels and was immediately engrossed in this story of an aging rodeo bum whose recklessness and lack of responsibility hurt everyone around him. I've often wanted to see the movie again but couldn't even remember its name, and have never seen it in the rental stores.James Coburn and Slim Pickens were excellent in their roles, and the rodeo footage was first rate. While being an action movie and having a western setting and theme it could be enjoyed by anyone regardless of their taste in films.
honker "The Honkers" is probably Slim Pickens best performance of all time. When we were shooting, everyone connected with the production figured that Slim was Academy Award material. Unfortunately, United Artists had a James Bond picture in release at the same time and did not devote much attention to "The Honkers". I personally feel this film was under-rated by most critics. Sam Peckinpaw's "Junior Bonner" was out at the same time and seemed to impress the critics more than our film. Also, Cliff Robertson had a rodeo film out a few months before our release and that might have hurt us, too. The picture is worth watching, if just for the rodeo footage--some of the best ever filmed--shot by James Crabbe. The director and my co-writer, Steve Ianat, died a few weeks after the picture's release, cutting short a promising career and leaving behind his lovely wife Sally, his daughter, Gaby, and newborn son, Stefan. Please give this movie a shot. I'm betting that you'll say it was well worth while. I thank anyone who has taken the time to read this. Stephen Lodge
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