The Holy Mountain
The Holy Mountain
| 28 November 1927 (USA)
The Holy Mountain Trailers

Professional dancer Diotima finds herself the apex of a love triangle when she is pursued by two mountain climbers, Vigo and his older friend.

MoPoshy Absolutely brilliant
Ezmae Chang This is a small, humorous movie in some ways, but it has a huge heart. What a nice experience.
Mathilde the Guild Although I seem to have had higher expectations than I thought, the movie is super entertaining.
Juana what a terribly boring film. I'm sorry but this is absolutely not deserving of best picture and will be forgotten quickly. Entertaining and engaging cinema? No. Nothing performances with flat faces and mistaking silence for subtlety.
JohnHowardReid I was really looking forward to the Kino DVD of The Holy Mountain (1926) which I assumed would feature the original music score by Edmund Meisel. Instead of the grandeur of Meisel, however, Kino treats us to a monotonous, half-baked and often totally inappropriate offering from Aljoscha Zimmerman. Admittedly, even Meisel may have found it difficult to set Leni Reifenstahl's repetitive posturing (you couldn't call it "dancing") to music, but even a dim reflection of the stark, deadly beauty of the Swiss and Bavarian Alps should have been possible. Not so, however. The score manages to undermine the luster of everything it touches. An oft-told noirish tale of a love triangle twisted to the point of dementia, The Holy Mountain serves not only as a scenic backdrop but as a murderous participant. (The Kino DVD rates 10/10 for its superlative preservation of the original's color-tinted photography, but somewhat less for the failure of its music score).
OldAle1 Most famous now, certainly, for containing the first starring role from actress and dancer, later director Leni Riefenstahl, this was director Fanck's second "mountain film" and in late 20s Germany probably didn't really stand out amongst the many other examples, including Alfred Hitchcock's now-lost The Mountain Eagle released the same year. And Riefenstahl's performance isn't really enough of a reason to see the film unless one has a significant interest in her; she's not really that good, rather amateurish here, and her dancing though decent enough seems entirely of the pagan/ritualistic type and gets rather tedious after a while.It's an old story, too -- the love triangle, in this case a mistaken one as Diotima (Riefenstahl) falls instantly in love with mountaineer/ski instructor Karl (Luis Trenker, magnetic and giving far and away the best performance here) only to have his younger friend Vigo (Ernst Peterson) fall for her. Tragedy is the end result, but not before we get to see an awful lot of great mountain climbing, cross-country skiing, and ski jumping footage. It's the photography and action sequences that make the film worth a view, not the stilted storyline. Curiously the film seems to have a rather pagan, earthy attitude towards God and nature, only to have that disrupted in the final frame by a very Christian-seeming "FAITH".The Kino DVD is quite beautiful and alternates between bluish and sepia tinting, but I have to take issue with the music, apparently scored and performed specifically for the film by a small ensemble; it's nice enough on its own but doesn't fit the Teutonic grandeur or wildness to my ears...more of a Buster Keaton or silent western score, it seemed to me. My advice is to turn down the music and crank your own Wagner, Bruckner or perhaps best of all, Mahler.
FerdinandVonGalitzien After a scene in Herr Wilhelm Prager's "Wege Zu Kraft Und Schönheit" (1925), "Der Heiliger Berg" was the first film of Dame Leni Riefenstahl as a lead actress. It was a film written exclusively for her by Herr Arnold Fanck according to Dame Riefenstahl memoirs, a book that includes other partial and conceited memories… from a time in the mid-20s when she was a famous dancer.The film includes a prologue in where we can see Dame Riefenstahl dancing or something like that, well… knowing that Germans, even the aristocrats, had a particular sense of rhythm more suited to military parades with plenty of goose steps, you will be able to understand the reason why Dame Riefenstahl was a famous dancer during the Weimar era.Herr Arnold Fanck, as a director was noted as the creator of one of the most successful and peculiar German film genres: the mountain films. (Actually, Herr Fanck was a famous director at that time thanks to mountain documentaries; "Der Heilige Berg" was his first film that includes a plot). In these films nature and its consequences are always centred on the lead character of these beautiful films with their superb cinematography and vigorous editing. Men and women have to fight against the savage elements in what it is finally an unequal and difficult battle. That's the most important aspect of the film, those incredible beautiful nature shots because Dame Riefenstahl as a dancer/actress or Herr Trenker (the male lead actor) as an actor are not very impressive, or…in the strict German sense, they are depressive."Der Heilige Berg" shows different nature's conditions and contradictions. In the first part of the film, our heroine, Diotima the dancer, is immersed in bucolic, idealized and calm mountain landscapes full of flowers, shepherds, people skiing and all that kind of strange things. In the second part of the film the beautiful mountain landscapes will transform to a dangerous and inaccessible place in which the snowfalls and avalanches will prevent the rescue of two of Diotima's lovers who are isolated at the mountaintops. In many occasions during the film, some scenes are prolonged unnecessarily due to the excessive emphasis on mountain scenery that Herr Fanck wanted; duplicate shots diminish the film's action in a Herr Trenker oeuvre whose inner intention is to be a tribute to nature and the Teutonic mountains.And now, if you'll allow me, I must temporarily take my leave because this German Count must to climb the aristocratic ladder.Herr Graf Ferdinand Von Galitzien
F Gwynplaine MacIntyre German filmmaker Arnold Fanck single-handedly invented an entire movie genre: the mountain film. This refers not to mountain-climbing movies in general, but to a specific type of movie in an Alpine setting. A 'mountain film' depicts the experiences of an athletic young Aryan man, high in the mountains, where he communes with nature and meets a beautiful blonde woman who somehow embodies both the Aryan physical ideal and the German countryside itself. Their relationship is erotic, yet has semi-mystical aspects bordering on a religious epiphany. The man learns much about himself. Sometimes (as happens here in 'Der Heilige Berg') a mountain film has two male protagonists, both athletic, who develop a rivalry over the blonde fraulein.Although Fanck invented and embodied the mountain-film genre, in the same way that Alfred Hitchcock defined the suspense film and Busby Berkeley defined the Depression-era musical, Fanck was by no means the only 'mountain-film' director. Movies in this genre have been made by directors as disparate as Hitchcock ('The Mountain Eagle') and Fred Zinnemann ('Five Days One Summer').'Der Heilige Berg' ('The Holy Mountain') features Louis Trenker as Karl, a downhill skier who loves a beautiful dancer named Diotina. (Played by Leni Riefenstahl, who is so sexy here that I can well believe that Hitler had the hots for her.) Alles ist wunderbar for Karl and his little schnitzel, until along comes the slightly younger and handsomer Vigo, played by Ernst Petersen. A triangle develops between these three. Karl decides to eliminate his rival, so with German cunning he invites Vigo to join him in a climb up the nearest Alp. At the top of the Alp, Karl pushes Vigo over a precipice... then he suddenly remembers that he and Vigo are roped together. Oops! This scene reminded me of the climax of Erich von Stroheim's 'Greed', in which one man kills another man in the middle of Death Valley, then discovers that he's handcuffed to the corpse. The difference is that in 'Greed' the two men became shackled together at the last moment, whereas (in this piece of krautwurst) Karl and Vigo were roped together before Karl gave Vigo the heave-ho, so his actions are extremely ludicrous.Anyway, in order to save himself, Karl must rescue the dangling Vigo, and the dangling plotline ... and in the process he makes a few self-discoveries.As is typical of an Arnold Fanck film, there are some exciting skiing sequences, and some splendid footage of a skiing competition. Leni Riefenstahl is photographed to excellent advantage, with some fine backlighting in her blonde hair while she flexes her gorgeous physique, but she overacts very badly here. I'll rate this movie 6 out of 10.