The Hitler Gang
The Hitler Gang
| 26 April 1944 (USA)
The Hitler Gang Trailers

This movie shows us the rise of Adolf Hitler from a small radical political adventurer to the dictator of Germany in the way of a gangster film. Exept for some minor inaccuracies the historical facts are given in a correct way.

Lovesusti The Worst Film Ever
Comwayon A Disappointing Continuation
Maleeha Vincent It's funny, it's tense, it features two great performances from two actors and the director expertly creates a web of odd tension where you actually don't know what is happening for the majority of the run time.
Deanna There are moments in this movie where the great movie it could've been peek out... They're fleeting, here, but they're worth savoring, and they happen often enough to make it worth your while.
lorenzoestevez I love this film - the ganster style is hilarious - it is brilliant - not filmnoir - but has genius moments of camera work and wayyy over the top sinister acting - well worth watching...
Andres Salama Perhaps the first biopic ever made about Adolf Hitler (not considering the satirical Great Dictator), this was filmed in 1944, when the Fuhrer was still alive though with defeat already in sight. This unfortunately forgotten movie deals mostly with his rise to power, it starts with Hitler in a military hospital learning about the defeat of Germany in World War I and it ends on the eve of World War II.This film doesn't portray Hitler as crazy or as a raving lunatic and he is shown as being less downright evil than a cynical, manipulative and ruthless politician. For instance, the persecution of the Jews is shown to be not a product of his fanaticism but as a political calculation to search a scapegoat for Germany's defeat in the WWI. The movie consciously tries to mirror the gangster movie popular in its era (thus the title), instead of conspiring to rub off other gangsters, here Hitler conspire to do away with rival politicians, instead of fighting over the liquor market, here they fight over controlling Germany.The movie didn't have all the information that came out after the war ended (Eva Braun doesn't appear, but his niece Geli Raubal, whom the movie accuses Hitler of murdering, does; nothing is said about the concentration camps) but it is nevertheless very well informed given the circumstances, especially about the beginnings of Nazism, showing for instance how Hitler join the National Socialist Party as an army spy, in order to infiltrate it.Made with a tiny budget, and with no name actors, it is finally made interesting by its intelligent, literate script, sober directing and some of the acting. Bobby Watson is very good as Hitler, the supporting cast is a bit less (the actors playing Hess, Goebbels and Rohm look quite like the characters they are portraying, the actor playing Himmler very little, the one playing Goering, nothing at all). Recommended, especially if you are interested in the subject.
GJValent Many years ago, (early 1960s), I caught part of this on late night TV. I remember part of the announcer's intro, because when my dad walked in and asked what was on, I said,'some gangster movie', only recalling the word, gang. Some years later I realized that this was a somewhat accurate, though brief, look at Hitler's rise to power. Two scenes stick in my mind. Near the beginning, there is one where AH is a soldier in WWI with a handlebar mustache. He goes up to a mirror and cuts off the ends, creating the infamous 'toothbrush' look. Later during his ascent, he walks into a beer hall with his followers, pulls a pistol out of his overcoat pocket, and fires a few shots into the air. The 'beer hall putsch' ? Early forties, black and white. The actor REALLY had Hitler down pat.
beeryusa One thing you'll notice in this movie straight away - the actors all look uncannily like their real-life counterparts. However, even with look-alike actors, a movie can fall down in terms of script and acting, but not this one. Considering this movie was made in the 1940s, and in the middle of WW2 no less, the acting and direction are great, the story is not overly propagandized, and we get possibly the best portrayal of Hitler on screen until this year's 'Downfall' (Der Untergang).Another of those movies which deserve to be classics, but which are rotting in a film vault somewhere. It is a crime that this isn't available anywhere on DVD.