The Heroic Trio
The Heroic Trio
| 12 February 1993 (USA)
The Heroic Trio Trailers

While one tough woman with an invisible robe has stolen 18 babies for her powerful master, two other tough women and the cops try to stop her.

Nonureva Really Surprised!
Lucybespro It is a performances centric movie
Crwthod A lot more amusing than I thought it would be.
SpunkySelfTwitter It’s an especially fun movie from a director and cast who are clearly having a good time allowing themselves to let loose.
RainDogJr "The last year the company Quality Films released in Mexico the collection "Cinema Xtreme: Asian Series", with a lot of excellent films". I wrote that in my comment for Chan-wook Park's Gongdong gyeongbi guyeok JSA aka J.S.A: Joint Security Area (a film that I love by the way). Yesterday a friend of mine, my cousins and I founded in the local Blockbuster a bunch of DVDs from that collection in a very low price. I only got Natural City from those titles since I found some other gems with the same low price (for the record, I got the Criterion Collection DVD of Akira Kurosawa's The Hidden Fortress for only $7) however my friend bought 4 titles from that collection including this film. We saw it and it was a lot of great fun!This film doesn't requires a very long comment since it is just a damn entertaining movie in which the visible wires in it will make you enjoy even more. It has certain elements to make special the relation between the three heroines and that elements will help in order to solute a very strong and difficult situation: someone is kidnapping babies. In that present we see Tung (Anita Mui) as a true crime fighter who is always closest to the criminals than her husband who is a cop. Is really funny because these two characters reminded me Superman, I mean for me has always been funny how Superman basically has the same appearance of Clark Kent, is like a damn insult to the intelligence of the people of Metropolis. On this film is the same since Tung only uses a little mask and her husband doesn't even imagine the other side of his woman. Anyway, near the end of the film the final battle between the Heroic Trio and the Evil Master has a nice end after a lot of fun however the Evil Master is not defeated at all and his last moment is definitely the cherry of the cake. That scene is hilarious, so cool and will reminds you Terminator. Is also memorable in that scene the head butt!This is an extremely enjoyable movie, short and full of fun action. I can resume all just by writing that now I really want my own DVD and the DVD of its sequel. I loved it!
Julie Hoverson The plot: Male babies are being stolen from under the noses of mothers and hospitals, and no one is able to spot the kidnapper (turns out she's invisible). Both "Wonder Woman" (no relation) and her police-inspector husband are trying to solve the case in their own ways. A thief-catcher (something like a bounty hunter?) offers her services to the cops, but at a price.Spoilers:Who's behind all this? A scary albino eunuch with magic powers who lives in an underworld reachable only through the sewers. He's kidnapping babies because he believes one of them will be the next emperor, and he wants to control that baby. He apparently has been kidnapping children for some time, brainwashing them, feeding them on raw meat (often human flesh) and making them into his mindless minions.The movie is really fun, holds together well, and the policeman husband isn't half the bozo that some people seem to think he is - all three of the women were trained in magic martial arts since childhood, so by comparison he looks wimpy, but he's still willing to lay it on the line to stop other cops from getting blown up by mines. Credit where credit is due.
zetes For the first 45 minutes, I was debating whether or not to turn The Heroic Trio off. I came to the film via Crouching Tiger Hidden Dragon, and, wary that many purists have called CTHD diluted Hong Kong wire-fu, I thought that a real one might be quite interesting. It was, but it wasn't entirely successful. It isn't nearly as good as CTHD. Go ahead and accuse me of being a Westerner. I know I am. The main problem with THT is the editing. I assume these films are made fast and that they are quickly edited. And I'm sure fans care less about the story than the action. The editing here is so choppy that I was always racing to catch up with the film. It took me a long time to figure out the relationships between characters, and a lot of things still didn't make much sense to me. Even if the action scenes are supposed to be where the filmmakers invest all their interest, most of the action scenes are just as poorly edited as the rest. In the old dancing musicals of Astaire and Rogers, the directors made it their point to show the entire scene, so you could see the dancers and what they are doing. The same ought to go for these types of movies. That's certainly what they were thinking in CTHD: there may be cuts, but there are long periods where you watch the actors do their stuff. In THT, they cut almost every time someone draws a weapon or kicks. One of the most effective shots in CTHD was when Jade Fox tossed that round blade at the old man's forehead. We see it travel from Fox's hand straight into the man's forehead without a cut. I heard the audience shout "OUCH!!!" You'll find nothing that good here. At least the action sequences get better in this respect as the film progresses. The final battle scene is a lot of fun and very exciting. 6/10
Puppetmister Is this really as bad as Teen Wolf or Highlander 3, as one reviewer here has suggested? No. In fact, if you're attuned to the kind of crazy stuff that was surgin forth from Hong Kong's movie factories in the early 90s, this will already be a key component of your cult viewing repertoire. The three leads are all stunning and elegant adn everything else is secondary. The plot is maudlin and at times really cloyingly sentimental, but this is just HK cinema for you, and it always displays extreme emotions in a deliberately heightened manner. Its ultimately a really enjoyable film, but you have to see it with some kind of cultural/historical context in mind to help you avoid those nagging Teen Wolf comparisons...