The Helix... Loaded
The Helix... Loaded
R | 01 January 2005 (USA)
The Helix... Loaded Trailers

When "The One" dies, Orpheum must find the "Other One."

Smartorhypo Highly Overrated But Still Good
KnotStronger This is a must-see and one of the best documentaries - and films - of this year.
Ariella Broughton It is neither dumb nor smart enough to be fun, and spends way too much time with its boring human characters.
Portia Hilton Blistering performances.
Steve Roberts This movie even tho it may have been low budget Guerilla Indie film, is one of the best matrix spoofs ever. Even if you hate the matrix or even if you love the matrix you will find The Helix... Loaded "Loaded" with good fun insightful commentary and a rollicking good time. I highly recommend this movie to anyone who wishes to be "Enlightened" The of characters is a unique ensemble with excellent performances by All... The visual FX by Ryan Carter of Hall of Shadows are particularly good for a low budget movie. Ryan took creative approaches to creating interesting Special Visual Effects on a low budget to new heights. Outstanding job!!! If you really need a good laugh and need something thats smart as well as funny you cant go wrong with The Helix Loaded!
moviechick90210 I loved the Matrix films and love good spoofs (AIRPLAINE, BLAZING SADDLES, SCARY MOVIE, etc.), but this movie was a huge disappointment. I saw it in an empty theater and fell asleep 3 times. The director seems to have never seen a good spoof in his life. I just mimics every scene from the MATRIX without adding anything original, much less, funny. The actors are so stiff and have such bad timing, it is like watching a high school improv class. The movie looks like it was shot on a handicam, but it has some relatively professional digital effects. However, a pretty bow and some wrapping paper can't make this stink bomb funny.
thawkins-2 Let me just say that I liked Helix. I really did. For a low-budget spoof, it came across incredibly well. The special effects were very high caliber at times, the performance of the actors was believable, and the writing was good.However, this isn't a movie I could recommend to plop down the 9 bucks I did to see it. It's good, in an "insomniac-can't-sleep-turn-on-the-TV" kind of way. An enjoyable movie that should be a stable in any spoof lovers video collection.Why not a big screen caliber performance? Well, it dragged at times. While most of the jokes were funny, very few made me laugh hysterically (i.e. Jim Carry or Dave Chappelle). The scenery and props were passable and created a quasi-believable backdrop for the story, but everything seemed a bit too grungy at times and the lack of high quality video gave the movie an aged cheap look (maybe that was the point).
SSHISERV The Helix Loaded: This movie had the potential to be a big comedy, and for all fair and balanced purposes started out as funny, but then sadly the humor, like the 'One', died off fast. It would seem from watching the movie that there were several hands in the script writing cookie jar, judging from the different directions the script was taking and manifesting. Moments in the movie that were intended to be funny came off awkward and dead in its own translation. The actors, at too many points, over exceeded their characters adding to the dismal portrayal of a first time movie effort for director A. Raven Cruz. In addition, add to this poor timing on the movie release (two years after the Matrix Trilogy had passed) you are left with a time capsule movie rather than a parody following immediately after the Matrix Trilogy. In closing, I found the movie to be painfully dragging in character / story development and confusing on story lines and delivery by the characters. For first time movie director Cruz to realize that this movie is better suited for the incinerator rather than the silver screen would be the right step towards becoming a director who 'can see outside the box' (as he puts it so well) to notice the apparent flaws throughout this project.