The Heidi Chronicles
The Heidi Chronicles
| 15 October 1995 (USA)
The Heidi Chronicles Trailers

Unusual relationships, a feminist awakening and a career in art history mark a baby boomer's life, ages 16 through 46.

Linkshoch Wonderful Movie
FirstWitch A movie that not only functions as a solid scarefest but a razor-sharp satire.
Marva It is an exhilarating, distressing, funny and profound film, with one of the more memorable film scores in years,
Isbel A terrific literary drama and character piece that shows how the process of creating art can be seen differently by those doing it and those looking at it from the outside.
nbench0218 Its not that I don't understand the film or the message it is trying to send, its just that its very badly done. Jamie Lee Curtis delivers an awful performance but not all the blame can be placed on her. The writing is far to witty at times to be spoken by people going about their day and the plots events that occur are totally unbelievable. There is one scene in which Heidi watches a film and then a few days later the romantic scene that occurred in the film happens to her in "real life." Often times I found myself laughing when the mood of the film was meant to be serious. It just isn't good, flat out. Also I thought the film played too much on gay and lesbian stereotypes.
herbqedi Jamie Lee Curtis obviously bonded with Wendy Wasserstein in a special way in this production. The life she gave to the character of Heidi Holland transcended acting and writing. The movie profiles Heidi as she raises her consciousness and her humanity by learning from life. The movie has a marvelous sense of humor and an even more delicious sense of irony. But it never sacrifices the integrity of any of its characters to score with a gag. Tom Hulce is marvelous as the boy who loves her but finds he also needs to get more in touch with who he is before he can commit. Peter Friedman, who played the father in the TV-series Brooklyn Bridge, is marvelous as the confident, yet shallow, Scoop Rosenberg. Sharon Lawrence and Roma Maffia are terrific in supporting roles.The direction from Wendy Wasserstein is quite impressive for a novice. The pacing is always brisk, but never brusque. The scenes weave seamlessly together like a perfect cross-stitch.I watch this movie in the aftermath of the World Trade Center terrorism. I desperately needed something to lift my spirits. The Heidi Chronicles did that job, and much more. It is a terrific movie.
Pacolito In Deutschland, this is what is referred to as "Bleitz-Kreig", meaning soppy, meaningless rubbish. Although starring Jamie Lee Curtis, such a program will not show in Deutschland. Compared to a film such as Terminator 2, this piece of Bleitz-Kreig is nothing.
MaRX-4 This Television Series is what is referred to in Germany as "Bleitz-kreig". Meaning, "Soppy and dull".If one compares such a series to a film like Terminator 2, one realises that indeed, this is "Bleitz-Kreig".Give it a miss.