The Hawk
The Hawk
| 10 December 1993 (USA)
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Housewife Annie Marsh suspects her husband might be The Hawk, a brutal serial killer. Complicating matters is the fact that she once was incarcerated in a psychiatric hospital. When she discovers she does not have the happy marriage she always believed and begins to piece together the times and dates of her husband's frequent absences, her fears begin to take hold, and her sanity deteriorates.

Evengyny Thanks for the memories!
Voxitype Good films always raise compelling questions, whether the format is fiction or documentary fact.
InformationRap This is one of the few movies I've ever seen where the whole audience broke into spontaneous, loud applause a third of the way in.
Kamila Bell This is a coming of age storyline that you've seen in one form or another for decades. It takes a truly unique voice to make yet another one worth watching.
cureswhatailsye I found the taut atmosphere of this film, present from the very outset, set the scene perfectly for the dark content of the film. Although obviously shot on a relatively low budget, I found that the tension kept me uneasy throughout.Mirren's performance as the uncertain housewife becomes all the more intriguing when the characters history of mental illness is revealed. This leads to a real conflict between her and her husband, and the viewer is never sure who to side with.Overall I think this is a great bit of British cinema, and for tension and a realistic darkness, matches any Hollywood blockbuster.
Boba_Fett1138 This was a rather disappointing movie. The concept of the movie is great thriller material but unfortunately the finished result was a huge letdown. The movie is dull and the story isn't a very believable one.It really is the story and storytelling that make this thriller a weak one. There hardly is any character development. The story itself also at times doesn't make real sense. The story takes some odd and unlikely turns at times. At times it also takes ages before something interesting happens again. And really, if the police were really that dumb and narrow minded, serial killers must really have an easy job.Yeah sure, it has still got Helen Mirren in it, which is probably also the only reason why I watched this movie in the first place, but come on, why did she ever agreed to appear in this movie in the first place... And besides, a great actress is never a guarantee that the movie is any good or even a watchable one. She is a great actress but she gets very little interesting to do. Besides like I mentioned before, the character development is quite poor, which is all the more reason why this movie falls flat as a thriller.You're better of watching a good English detective-series episode. There is more development, tension and mystery present in that.5/10
trvwatson I am not a big fan of British Horror Movies, but this one was a welcoming surprise, i knew Helen Mirram was a fantastic actress, from seeing her in other roles, and she was brilliant in this role, the film is based around a married woman who suspects her husband is to blame for a series of murders, in her home town, the reasons for this are quite simple, as your made to believe that she is completely barmy, due to serving time in a mental home, this plays a big role in the movie, and so makes you believe it is all in her mind, but is it.A really good movie, and any chance to see Helen Mirram sporting a northern accent is well worth a glance.
sibisi73 A slight British thriller, with a strong cast, and a different take on the murder-mystery genre. Mirren plays Annie Marsh, who starts to believe her husband is 'The Hawk' a serial killer preying on lone women drivers, who has eluded police capture and is still on the loose. Her mounting paranoia is only exacerbated by a police force who refuse to take her seriously because of her previous history of mental illness, and her own mind, which is cruelly playing tricks on her.Rather than the conventional narrative of following the police investigation, or the killer himself, the story is told predominantly from Annie's point of view. Mirren's performance holds the film together, and despite it's limitations it still manages to keep you guessing right up to the last minute.
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