The Greenskeeper
The Greenskeeper
R | 01 May 2002 (USA)
The Greenskeeper Trailers

An assistant greenskeeper invites friends for a country club birthday party. A killer dressed as a greenskeeper crashes the party and kills people with golf tools.

CheerupSilver Very Cool!!!
TinsHeadline Touches You
Spidersecu Don't Believe the Hype
Bob This is one of the best movies I’ve seen in a very long time. You have to go and see this on the big screen.
john-souray IMDb lists this as 90 minutes, but the version I saw on a British DVD (in a boxed set of individually unsellable horror films) barely got to 77 minutes. Was it cut? Since the boxed set had an 18 rating anyway (strictest in the UK apart from porn films) it's hard to know what the motivation for cutting it could be. Like censors anywhere, those in the UK can be a bit crotchety, but policies are pretty liberal nowadays and it's hard to believe that they could have found thirteen minutes' worth of cuts that needed to be made.Well, cut or not, what was this like? The last few minutes – and especially a silly and gruesome joke about a lawn sprinkler – just start to hint at a comic inventiveness that is miserably lacking from the rest of the film. Other than that, the reviews of the various people here who "hated it" look pretty accurate to me, and they were probably seeing a longer film. British viewers, check out the box. If it says 77 minutes, I certainly can't recommend this.
scottfotos It's really hard to tell if this a spoof or a serious slasher movie. It obviously has an attempt at humor, but the spoofs are lame and poorly directed. Not a good spoof nor a good campy feature. Baseball bigot John Rocker lumbers through a few scenes and the scenes themselves look to be nearly all first-takes. The only entertainment you'll get here is the bad dialog, bad acting, and cheapo sets. I doubt that's what they were aiming for, however. I don't believe this to be THAT clever of a film. Some of the scenes take place at the swanky country club that looks like somebody's back yard in an Atlanta suburb, and the golf course maintenance building scenes look to be a three-walled $100 set with a few cliché gardening props lying around. There's lost of drug references and local flunkie Atlanta DJ Steve Rickman attempts to create a funny country club tennis-pro character. His big scene with the automatic tennis server is minimally funny and proves that just because you're funny on the radio doesn't mean it transfers to the visual medium.
brainspoon What saves this film is that the tone is just right, funny and laidback and tongue in cheek. No cure for cancer, just a groovy goodtime. The actors are all comfortable in front of the camera, especially the lead actor, who just strolls through his scenes with a been there done that attitude that is a refreshing change from the furrowed brow method that passes for acting these days. The screenplay is funny and lean, bad dialogue is not a detriment here.The SFX are of the pump blood from under the weapon variety, but some are very creative and funny. Their unrealistic quality adds to the film's charm.All the bad points of this film work for it in the long run. The inane conclusion to the inane plot fits because the filmmakers knew that they were making a spoof. The film did seem very static and some scenes meandered to pad the film out, but this is common in a low budget movie.The trailer is misleading however. John Rocker fans will be disappointed when they find that he is only in the movie for five minutes. The filmmakers acknowledge this in the screenplay; it is part of the joke so I can call no foul on it.Overall, a fine horror spoof of the slasher films I grew up with, with a refreshing choice for lead actor, interesting kills, and a laid back feel that makes it easy to like.
Pebbles-G Release date is September 9, 2003.1) If you enjoyed movies like "Don't go in the House," or "Don't go in the Basement," then you must like low budget horror films that are so campy they are funny. The Greenskeeper is one of those movies.2) If you laughed during Final Destination 2 because people were killed off in a funny manner then you'll also laugh at the way adults (not teens) are killed off in The Greenskeeper.3) If seeing a couple killed while they are having sex bothers you than this is not the movie for you. Although the way he kills them is so gross and so funny that you will be laughing and gaging at the same time.The point of this movie is not to scare you but to make you laugh. You laugh not because of any witty banter but because the banter is so bad that you groan.You laugh because the budget for special effects was so low that the killings looked really fake but that's the beauty of seeing these types of films. In fact at the end of the movie when one of the special effects gets a little carried away the actors broke character and started laughing but the producers kept this shot anyway. The producers understood they were not making some great piece of art to scare you off of a golf course.If you are a John Rocker fan and plan on buying this movie because he's in it let me warn you ahead of time you'll only get to see John's face for maybe a total of 2 minutes during the film. About half of his screen time is spent in make-up like a serious burn victim (The rest of the time he looks very cute). When the killer goes on his rampage he's in a beekeepers bonnet so you can't see his face. The producers said they had asked John (not his character) to help out by throwing tennis balls off camera onto the tennis court when the tennis ball machine broke down.I do plan on buying this movie because I love horror movies that can make me laugh and gag at the same time.