The Great Journey
The Great Journey
| 09 November 2004 (USA)
The Great Journey Trailers

Reda, summoned to accompany his father on a pilgrimage to Mecca, complies reluctantly - as he preparing for his baccalaureat and, even more important, has a secret love relationship. The trip across Europe in a broken-down car is also the departure of his father: upon arrival in Mecca, both Reda and his father are not the characters they were at the start of the movie. Avoiding the hackneyed theme of the return to the homeland, the film uses the departure to renew a connection between two generation.

WasAnnon Slow pace in the most part of the movie.
NekoHomey Purely Joyful Movie!
AshUnow This is a small, humorous movie in some ways, but it has a huge heart. What a nice experience.
Ava-Grace Willis Story: It's very simple but honestly that is fine.
rationalist47 This movie fails as a vehicle to show how a culturally distant father and son come to understand each other better. It fails at giving a sympathetic view of Islamic culture - of course that is an almost impossible task. It does provide an intimate look into the dysfunctional relationship between a small minded rigid bigoted father and a son who has a broader vision, and may overcome the cultural myopia the old man tries so hard to instill. It is made more tolerable by the interesting locations. I found the car more interesting than either of the characters. At least the movie had a happy ending. I'm not sure whether the film maker has little to say, or just doesn't know how to say it.
PWNYCNY This movie is great! This movie is beautiful! Finally, a movie that portrays Moslems as PEOPLE, no stereotypes here. This movie is driven by the story, by the acting and above all by its theme, that of cultural affirmation and discovery. They may seem like clichés but they are not, at least not in this movie. The vista of the Grand Mosque of Mecca is absolutely stupendous and the audience is given a glimpse of a side of the Moslem world that is rarely of ever shown in the West. Here the people are caring, supportive, devout, tolerant and devoted to each other. What a welcomed and way overdue departure from the usual negative portrayals of Arabs. Outstanding movie.
alanbrice1 this isn't 'Bonnie and Clyde' or 'Thelma and Louise' but it is a fine road movie. it sets up its two main characters gently and easily. viewers learn the underlying tensions quickly, which is a tribute to the director. there is the young french (and English) speaking son who wants to do well in France, has a french girlfriend and who drinks alcohol, parties as young men do. And there is his moroccan arabic (and french) speaking father who devoutly follows his Muslim faith, with generosity and the wisdom of elders and who rejects the new culture surrounding him (like mobile phones). the film could explore very powerful politics - the odd couple drive thru the former Yugoslavia, thru Turkey and then thru the Middle East to get to Mecca. these are areas where the Muslim populations have been involved in wars, repression, ethnic cleansing; where dictators have pursued torture and summary executions to hold power and where religious communities are in constant deadly battle with each other. yet the film moves thru those places and possibilities with only hints of such agendas. the relationship between the two is key to this film, and faith, politics are the backdrop. it seems to be saying that we are all human, and need to understand and care for each other in order to manage well in this world. it certainly isn't 'Natural Born Killers' and is all the better for it.
tony-clifton There were some good moments to this movie, such as the scenery and the acting between the actors. In that sense this movie is excellent. However, the last scene with the father and son is contrived - the typical ending to this kind of movie where one cannot think of a better ending! I guess my problem with it, is because writers feel a movie has to end that way just to make you "think about it" - a sort of induced trauma. Furthermore it doesn't make any sense why the authorities would have thought to bring the son to the father in the first place.In short, although I liked the movie I felt the ending was forced and I don't think a contrived ending with induced sentimentality deserves the high recognition it's received thus far. 5/10