Don't Worry, I'm Fine
Don't Worry, I'm Fine
| 11 November 2006 (USA)
Don't Worry, I'm Fine Trailers

A 19-year-old searches for her twin brother after he runs away from home, following a fight with their father.

Jacomedi A Surprisingly Unforgettable Movie!
Kinley This movie feels like it was made purely to piss off people who want good shows
Janis One of the most extraordinary films you will see this year. Take that as you want.
Caryl It is a whirlwind of delight --- attractive actors, stunning couture, spectacular sets and outrageous parties. It's a feast for the eyes. But what really makes this dramedy work is the acting.
steph638 I was expecting a real mystery, complex (or at least well balanced and realistic) characters, real family relationships study. The plot line seemed intriguing and I like independent witty movies.From the beginning, it feels shallow, full of clichés, and like a first attempt to paint places, people, life.I started to watch it at 2x with subtitles when it becomes too silly and unrealistic, when she stopped eating and was kept in the hospital like a prisoner.Even at 2x it was boring and depressing. So I jumped at the end of the movie in order to know the truth about Loïc.The truth is, you won't miss anything by avoiding this dull movie.
Chris Knipp When nineteen-year-old Lili Tellier (the sweet, pretty Mélanie Laurent) returns to her parents' cookie-cutter suburban house after a summer studying in Barcelona she's told that after a fight with their father Paul (Kad Merad) over his messy room her fraternal twin Loïc has run off without explanation. We don't know much about Loïc other than that he is a talented musician-songwriter and a rock climber who abhors his dad's drab conformist commuter-train life. Waiting in vain for a call back on her cell phone, Lili is so deeply troubled by the news of Loïc's disappearance that she eats nothing for the next eight or nine days. She collapses and is taken to a psychiatric hospital where she's put to bed and she and her parents are told she can't see anyone till she eats. This she refuses to do and her condition steadily worsens.Protesting this regime, Lili's father forces the doctor to let her see a letter that has come from Loïc. She gets better and is released and letters keep coming. They show Loïc is drifting from town to town, surviving on odd jobs and playing his guitar for money. Lili stays out of school and becomes a supermarket checkout person like fellow university student Léa (the radiant Aïssa Maïga of Bamako) who became a good pal in Barcelona, and socializes with her and Léa's meteorologist boyfriend Thomas (Julien Boisselier), who helped try to "spring" Lili during her psychiatric confinement. Loïc's letters are a mixed blessing. They give her a thread of hope but leave her in much doubt. Lili can't move forward with her life until she has learned more about Loïc and actually seen him. Is he homeless and desperate or just finding himself? Is there some deeper cause for his absence than a fight over a messy room – as one would think – and as the psychiatrist said there must have been a deeper cause for Lili's depression than her brother's disappearance? Melanie Laurent has to be the film's center and its mirror. She must achieve balance, suffering and fading yet still somehow appearing to remain alive also to a future as yet undetermined. Isabelle Renauld as Isabelle, Lili's mother, is harried yet always appealing. Paul (Kad Merad) is perhaps the most important character, a drab office worker, a shut-down dad, repressing his anger and self-pity, seemingly without emotion, but capable of more than it seemed. As Lili grows closer to the sensitive and pained looking Thomas, she learns that he and she grew up nearby and have similar backgrounds. The exotic and lovely Léa goes to Mozambique. Lili decides to move out of the house and Paul has new plans for himself and his wife.Don't Worry holds surprises in store for us. You might call it a mystery of family life. The film's delicate accomplishment is in the way it reveals a secret world hidden in the heart of the commonplace, love behind indifference, a lust for adventure behind timidity. Things are not as they seem. Like a book Thomas presents to Lili, the story ends in a way that is partly sad and partly not.To some extent the film stands or falls on its surprises because they are the necessary stepping-stones out of the drabness. The suburban setting is also central – identical houses that kill the soul highlight emotional ties that alone make life bearable. Lioret works in wide screen, with a bright, conventional palette. The depression happens in the light of day, where it's most hopeless and inescapable. There is nothing chic or showy about this film; it avoids either the glamour of elegance or the glamour of destitution and places its events right at our doorsteps. We may feel a little manipulated in the withholding of key information till the end, but this is how we're drawn into the characters' claustrophobic world. The acting is fine and the changes are subtly modulated, and Don't Worry succeeds in making us both feel and think.Part of the Rendez-Vous with French Cinema at Lincoln Center, New York, March 2007, Don't Worry had five César nominations and two wins -- Meilleur Espoir Féminin for Mélanie Laurent and Best Supporting Actor for Kad Merad. No US distributor.
salutnico Philippe Lioret is french movie director. Most peoples haven't even hear about him. here's what the movie is about.Elise,let's call her lily, is a twenty years old girls. When she comes back from Spain, her twin brother is not at home anymore. He has left home after he had intensively argued with his father, and lily's missing him a lot. Very soon, lily will be reproaching to her parents not to do enough to find him.This classic conflict between parents and their twenty years old daughter may seem ordinary, but.. But Melanie Laurent, who plays lily, is simply great. Kad merad who plays his father is astonishing too,just like every single character. the movie is becoming progressively more and more better. Although the movie beginning didn't seem to be fantastic, when i left the theater, i was thinking: what a slap in my face!!!And if you want to see a great movie that put in scene particular relationships between different peoples, that will blow you away,don't hesitate, go see this movie.
Fifidou This is a very low budget movie. There is no very famous french actor starring in it, the director is not really famous. I went to see the movie with a friend who had already seen all the movies I wanted to see at that time. The most famous actor is Kad Merad, but he is not famous for is acting talents, but is famous for a show he presented on French TV. Nevertheless, I hope he will be famous one day for his acting talent. And I hope Melanie Laurent and Julien Boisselier will also be too. Because in such a low budget movie, you cannot hide the mediocrity of the actors or of the script behind great visual effects. And this movie fully complies with the " good actors and good script" thing. It is the story of middle class family with two kids living an ordinary life. Everything will be changed when the son, a musician leaves the house after a argument with his father. The daughter is completely moved by this. As we watch the movie, we'll feel a profound empathy with the actors. I hardy seen a movie where one can feel the subtle changes of feeling of the characters. It is so extraordinary that I wanted to applause at the end of the movie, as if there were comedians on a stage. It lost the kind of unreal thing that rises from the fact that it is a picture on a screen and sounds coming out of speakers. One last thing I'd like to mention is the main song of the movie. I was a little chocked by the fact the voice doesn't sound like a song made by a 20 year old boy. but it is really a magnificent one. it sounded to me like the best song Nick Cave had ever written, it is really a great one.