The Goodbye Girl
The Goodbye Girl
PG | 27 November 1977 (USA)
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After being dumped by her live-in boyfriend, an unemployed dancer and her 10-year-old daughter are reluctantly forced to live with a struggling off-Broadway actor.

Curapedi I cannot think of one single thing that I would change about this film. The acting is incomparable, the directing deft, and the writing poignantly brilliant.
WillSushyMedia This movie was so-so. It had it's moments, but wasn't the greatest.
Keira Brennan The movie is made so realistic it has a lot of that WoW feeling at the right moments and never tooo over the top. the suspense is done so well and the emotion is felt. Very well put together with the music and all.
Scotty Burke It is interesting even when nothing much happens, which is for most of its 3-hour running time. Read full review
dougdoepke Even this crusty old fogey was entranced by the film-- well, maybe not so much by the last half-hour where the inevitable got over-stretched. Nonetheless, it's hard to think of better actors and script for an often poignant comedy. I didn't know before who Marsha Mason is, but I do now, in spades. So where's that Oscar that she so richly deserved. I love that first part where she and Dreyfuss try to divvy up the apartment, sort of like Germany and France trying to divvy up the Rhineland. Their chemistry, whether feuding or cuddling, is simply captivating. And little Cummings should qualify for a brainy Secretary of State. She's like an owl observing adult foibles from a tree. Add Simon's clever plot premise and snappy script and GG qualifies as one of Hollywood's brightest non-cutesy comedies. It may have New York written all over it, but thankfully human interest has no borders.
Hitchcoc This was my first real look at Richard Dreyfuss. Of course, I remembered him from "American Graffitti." But here he plays a more defined character. Dreyfuss shows up at the door of Marsha Mason (Mrs. Neil Simon) and demands her apartment. Her estranged husband let the place to this guy, not considering for a second that she and her daughter were still living there. To be civil, she reluctantly allows the young actor to use a room. He has every right to be there, but they need to compromise until she can find another place. Of course, that other place isn't happening. Soon, the two of them begin to have a turbulent relationship. He has the upper hand and starts making demands. Meanwhile, he has been cast off Broadway as "Richard III." His director is a nutcase, forcing him into an interpretation of "Richard" that drives him crazy. We know this is a love story and we can't help watching the chemistry of these two fine actors. Over the years, I realized that Dreyfus sort of played the same role over and over. His own personality always shone through. This is Neil Simon and is a very worthy film. Loved it.
Adarsh_Kumar_Singh Ms Mason missed the Academy because it was Diane Keaton she was competing with and that too for Annie Hall. The acting was pitch perfect from all the 3 leads. Mr Dreyfuss put the right amount (not less, not more) of energy required for Elliot. Ms Mason made Paula look so real, one will always remember her as Paula. Ms Cummins, well what does one say about her, the 10 year old kid was superbly acted, utterly likable. Kudos to the direction as well as the script. I recommend this to all who loves romance that is believable, it could actually happen to you ..... The one-liners from Elliot were great. No matter how many times you watch, they still sound new. Will like to add, the best work ever by Herbert Ross. The ending will keep you wanting .... for more.... I give it an 8 out of 10.
DKosty123 It is starting to feel like another planet when you think about the time that has passed since Neil Simon was cranking out comedies like this one in the 1970's. What makes it feel longer is - Marsha Mason is 70 years old this year 2012 Richard Dreyfuss is 65 years old this year.Their daughter who was a newcomer in this movie is 40 years old this year.Dreyfuss won an Oscar for this one and deservedly so. His character is extremely energetic and in a time before it is fashionable has to play a gay King Richard.As for Mason, she is delicious and bitchy all in moments.Neil Simon is 85 this year and his last writing credit was in 2007. In the 1970's Simon was doing scripts like this, The Odd Couple and The Sun Shine Boys.While the Goodbye Girl is not quite as well done as the others, this is still a pretty solid script for it's era. What seems strange is that this one just was shown on The Essentials on TCM. I am not used to having a movie that came out when I grew up being honored in that Saturday night slot. Still, it deserved the recognition.We need films like this one to remind us people and movies are not perfect.