The Girl King
The Girl King
| 11 December 2015 (USA)
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A portrait of the brilliant, extravagant Kristina of Sweden, queen from age six, who fights the conservative forces that are against her ideas to modernize Sweden and who have no tolerance for her awakening sexuality.

GazerRise Fantastic!
XoWizIama Excellent adaptation.
TeenzTen An action-packed slog
FuzzyTagz If the ambition is to provide two hours of instantly forgettable, popcorn-munching escapism, it succeeds.
storeyonastory I have absolutely no knowledge of Swedish history, so I'm not sure how accurate this telling of Christina - Sweden's 17th century Queen - is. However, I do know that I thoroughly enjoyed this story. What a fascinating character Christina is. It's such a shame that most of what we know about our history has been written by zealots, bigots and fear- mongers. So it's hard to know a historical figure's true story.There were some movie-type issues, but overall it was a good film. I'm not sure why it has received such a crummy IMDb rating, because I truly think it worth watching. It left me so emotional: angry and sad and thankful. And has definitely given me a thirst to learn more about this woman.
ccorral419 Palm Springs International Film Festival- Film Review: The Girl King. Director Mika Kaurismaki and Writer Michel Marc Bouchard bring to the screen the tale of Sweden's 17th-century monarch Kristina, who takes the thrown at the age of six and later assumes the power over her country at the age of 18. The fact that she is a woman now reigning of the country run by men, takes a back seat to her desire to change her country from war and division to a society of peace. While this battle to turn her people around is fought by many, there is an underlying need/call for her to marry and producer an off-spring. Yet, with many a handsome suitor at her taking (including Lucas Bryant and François Arnaud), Kristina (Malin Buska) has eyes on her lady-in-waiting Countess Ebba Sparreat (Sarah Gadon). For a film that is relatively unknown (except in the Gay/Lesbian arena), this small film is produced with excellence, featuring terrific acting, period piece costumes, intriguing dialogue and storyline that keeps the audience waiting to see what Kristina will do with her life. Small independent films that pack a wallop like "The Girl King" are what Film Festivals are all about.
Irishchatter I wouldn't consider this the best movie I've ever seen but it was quite interesting about Queen Christina and her lesbian affair with Ebba Sparre, her lady-in-waiting. I suppose, it was rather interesting to go deep into her short term as a leader of Sweden. I never even heard of her before until today, I saw this movie. I reckon if you live in Sweden, you would know who Queen Christina is. I have to say Malin Buska is a good Swedish actress in this, she reminds me of Kirsten Dunst with her beauty. I liked in the film that herself and Sarah Gadon relationship were in a dangerous love together. It does make the film feel powerful and so Victorian! Although I didn't like in this film that the scenes dragged on and this film is nearly 2 hours, it should've been an hour and 16 minutes. It would do rightly and earn 10 stars. If you like watching Victorian then you'll like this!
Tracy Allard I caught this film entirely by accident, with zero expectations or knowledge of the subject matter. I am unqualified to speak to the historicity of the events. But if it is close to historical events, what a beautiful film was made of it. Dealing with politics and religion and feminism, it is a rare little gem. Christina, the Queen (actually "King") of Sweden from 1632 (age 6) until 1654, was tutored by a unique man, and grew up to be a young woman with curiosity about the world and a taste for life, she shook the institutions of the day, with an unkind mixture of success and failures. The film is mostly in English with a little French (accompanied by subtitles), the actors do a fine job, and I really appreciated the makeup team's subtle approach. I might have appreciated a script less focused on romance and more on personality and accomplishments, but then again, in our 20s, hormones can dominate all.