The Ghost
The Ghost
| 30 March 1963 (USA)
The Ghost Trailers

A woman and her lover murder her husband, a doctor. Soon, however, strange things start happening, and they wonder if they really killed him, or if he is coming back from the dead to haunt them.

ManiakJiggy This is How Movies Should Be Made
SunnyHello Nice effects though.
Crwthod A lot more amusing than I thought it would be.
Geraldine The story, direction, characters, and writing/dialogue is akin to taking a tranquilizer shot to the neck, but everything else was so well done.
marshrydrob One lonely old frail crippled of a man. Two deceitful murderers, seeking the old man's treasure..... The ghost, is one of the best classic horror films I have see. The story plays out in a style similar to one masterfully written by Edgar Allan Poe. It keeps you guessing, building on the suspense; until that final moment when the ghost is revealed, and the devil has his day.The talent, should be seen as an all star cast. The acting is that good. The story, draws the viewer in rather quickly; and keeps you entertained until the end. From the opening, and throughout the movie, the background score works well with the scenes, and the originality of the story, is unlike anything that has been filmed today.This film, definitely feels like classic horror, and would appeal to audiences of classical film, and of modern horror fans today.This movie proves that old classic movies are not just old movies, to many; these movies are new films that have yet to be seen.
Michael Ledo In 1910 Scotland where Scottish accents are rare, Dr. John Hitchcock (Elio Jotta) is confined to a wheel chair and has a favorite pastime of holding seances with his long time house keeper Catherine Wood (Harriet Medin). His wife Margaret (Barbara Steele) has been having an affair with John's doctor Charles Livingstone (Peter Baldwin) and John knows it. The film is so old, it isn't difficult to figure out the simple plot and twist, one that has been duplicated.I my copy I found the film quality to be better than the grainy sound quality. The dubbing was okay if you didn't mind the sound not coming close to lip movement. Early scream queen Barbara Steele's films can be found on numerous multi-packs.I am not sure what kind of poison one can inject into the blood stream, and then drink something moments before death and then be fine. Don't try that at home.
Andy McGregor An adulterous wife (Barbara Steele) impatiently awaits the demise of her moribund husband to inherit his wealth and mansion. Her dalliance with his personal doctor, virtually in plain sight, eventually tempt them both to bring about his premature death. Unfortunately, things soon start going bump in the night and their now public relationship rather quickly disintegrates as they become consumed by greed, guilt and suspicion. The whole sorry affair is ended abruptly by another murder and the inevitable plot-twist this genre seems to demand.Although I respect Freda and his pioneering greatness for Italian horror cinema, I found this rather poor quality suspense film pretty slow and predictable. The story is so transparent, I had worked out all the plot details within the first 15 minutes! Visually, the film is very interesting though. There are some very creative shots which help in creating a moody, Gothic atmosphere. The cast are capable enough, with particular mention to the husband's lawyer. But it is Barbara Steele who is the big name here; her at once vulnerable beauty and femme fatale guile give her such charisma, her on- screen presence lend as much to her performance as any of her acting skills do. However, in this film, I felt she could have did better in that department.This murder mystery blends in to many of the others of the day and has nothing to offer of considerable value that makes it stand out from the rest. Not that it is a bad film though, rather it is a tame and vaguely entertaining piece which will do nothing more than amuse for 90 odd minutes.
bkoganbing The Ghost finds Barbara Steele and Peter Baldwin as the lady of the house and the live in physician doing a whole lot of kanoodling right under the nose of husband Elio Jotte. The husband has been lingering on death's door for some time and Steele and Baldwin would just like it if were to go just do it quickly so they can start spending the fortune Jotte's alleged to have left.There does come a point when the two decide to hurry things a long and even raise a few eyebrows among the neighborhood when Baldwin continues to live at the estate. But when all kinds of things start to go bump in the night the relationship starts to come apart at the seams. Housekeeper Harriet Medin who is the only other person living in the estate is loyal to her late master and makes no attempt to conceal her disgust with Steele and Baldwin.The Ghost is an Italian production with foreign players from the USA and UK and is not too bad in the thrill department. It won't give any competition to Alfred Hitchcock. Might however for William Caste.
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