The Frog Prince
The Frog Prince
PG | 21 February 1986 (USA)
The Frog Prince Trailers

A young British girl journeys to Paris to go to college, and is determined to find the man of her dreams and fall madly in love. However, things don't work out quite the way she planned.

Marketic It's no definitive masterpiece but it's damn close.
Beystiman It's fun, it's light, [but] it has a hard time when its tries to get heavy.
GarnettTeenage The film was still a fun one that will make you laugh and have you leaving the theater feeling like you just stole something valuable and got away with it.
Yazmin Close shines in drama with strong language, adult themes.
Steve Sunday This movie is very hard to find. I know that because I tried to find it for several years without success.My wife always said this was her favourite movie from her childhood, and she asked me to get it for her. I searched the internet and my local Blockbusters for years, and eventually gave up. Last year though, she asked me for it again, as a present for her 40th birthday. Well, I had to find it somehow. Eventually I found someone on eBay selling the American version of the video in Canada. I bought it and arranged for it to be posted to someone in Canada who copied it into DVD and then sent it to me. Success, sort of. The picture quality is not great, but it was the best I could do, and it has now become by far the most expensive DVD in my collection.So did she appreciate it? Sort of. Certain aspects are pretty dated, although there are some nice shots of Paris, and Lisa Snowdon is really good - I don't know why she did not become a big star.
Gary Hunt I got hold of this film at a shop in Soho. When I saw it, I was absolutely thrilled to see it. Beautifly directed and acted by a cast of unknowns. But, I saw it advertise at various cinemas. I won't let that videotape go.
stevenw-1 French Lesson was given an all-too-brief theatrical run in 1986 (the competition was strong that year with Ferris Bueller and Pretty in Pink dominating the screens). However, if you can get ahold of the VHS from Warner you'll be in for a treat.The story is simple, but the characters are a little more complex than usual: Jenny, a British teenager, has left home for the first time and is going to college in Paris (the time is the early '60's) Soon, she is smitten with a local Parisian (who seems like the right guy for her - he sure is handsome enough). Although he is a romantic guy, Jenny REALLY wants to be wooed: all she asks is he recite a few lines to her from Romeo and Juliet...something that would really put her on cloud nine and, alas, something he finds a tad idiotic. Jenny is crushed when he outright refuses, but prevails. From then on she runs into situation after situation in dealing with her crazy friends, a few other young men who find her attractive (including one that is already married) and, lastly, her French host family (headed over by a strict Madame Paroche who is none too pleased to see Jenny having any sort of social life whatsoever!). Will Jenny get the man of her dreams after all (and if so, on her own terms)? As Jenny finds out, first-time love is wonderful, but it's not without its share of troubles.The film is perfectly paced and the cinematography captures Paris in the Fall like no other film in recent memory: the slightly gray skies, sometimes damp streets, sunny parks, the stone buildings...all perfectly rendered. As a romantic comedy/drama, this film has it all and it's a darn shame it isn't more widely acknowledged. Perhaps Warner will issue a remastered DVD in the near future? If not, track down the cassette and give it a watch - this is a cannot-miss affair.