The Frightened Man
The Frightened Man
| 01 March 1952 (USA)
The Frightened Man Trailers

Kicked out of Oxford, a junk dealer's son joins a gang of thieves fenced by his father.

Artivels Undescribable Perfection
GamerTab That was an excellent one.
Kien Navarro Exactly the movie you think it is, but not the movie you want it to be.
Billy Ollie Through painfully honest and emotional moments, the movie becomes irresistibly relatable
Leofwine_draca THE FRIGHTENED MAN is another low budget British crime film written and directed by the ever-present John Gilling. Once again Gilling was working for the Berman and Baker team at Tempean Films and and once again he has managed to craft a well-told and engaging tale from very little resources.The film features the ubiquitous Dermot Walsh (complete with his trademark white hair streak) as an anti-hero who's something of a scoundrel; he begins the film by quitting his studies at Oxford and returning to his father, begging charity. His father wants him to come and work at his antiques shop but Walsh is more interested in romancing the lodger and getting involved with some ne'er-do-well characters.Eventually the main thrust of the film becomes your typical heist thriller, with plenty of tension utilised to keep the viewer occupied right until the fitting climax. Walsh does well as a truly detestable character but THE FRIGHTENED MAN is of particular note thanks to the efforts of the supporting cast. Charles Victor is excellent as the doting father who'll do anything to see his son succeed while Barbara Murray is never irritating as the woman drawn into his wiles. Michael Ward, Thora Hird, John Horsley, Ballard Berkeley, and Martin Benson all put in solid turns too. There's little to dislike about this well-plotted film.
malcolmgsw Dastardly Dermot is sent down from Oxford where he had been sent on the profits of his fathers fencing.Notwithstanding this Dermotseems to believe that he is still entitled to a reasonable standard of eventually he becomes a member of Martin Bensons gang.Unfortunately he makes a very inauspicious debut.However he is able to propose a diamond robbery.Unfortunately everything goes so wrong it is a surprise that the police don't catch them till after the bungled job.Dermot decides to do a runner but falls to his death from a roof whilst his father and wife look helplessly on.this film manages to pack a lot into its 67 minutes running time.A really fine cast as well
gordonl56 Charles Victor is the owner of a small furniture and antique shop who handles the odd bit of stolen goods on the side. The reason being he needs the extra cash to put his son through Oxford. The son, Dermot Walsh, gets himself tossed out and comes home to sponge off the old man. Walsh quickly runs through Victor's savings and wants more money than the old man can supply.Walsh gets himself involved with Barbara Murray, a lodger staying at Vidor's house. She falls for the smooth talking Walsh and the pair run off together. Vidor tries to help out the couple and gets Murray a job as a receptionist at a diamond wholesaler.Walsh in the meantime has hooked up with some heavy-duty crooks. They are going to pull a warehouse holdup and need a driver. Needless to say, the job is bungled and Walsh barely escapes capture by John Law.Walsh now decides it would be easier to rob the office where Murray works. He hooks up with the robbery bunch again and tells them the plan. They rent the office next door and plan to break in through the wall.Of course there is a rather large fly in the ointment. The Police have been on to the mob and have been following their every move. On the night of the break-in, the Yard swoops in just as they break through the wall into the diamond shop.Vidor, hearing about the plan, drives to the shop to try to help his swine of a son. Walsh gets his in the end though as he falls from the roof trying to get away.This is not a great film by any means, but at only 66 mins, it does pass the time.Also in the cast are, John Horsley, Martin Benson, Anne Simmons and John Blythe.Dermot Walsh had roles in, MARK OF CAIN, THE GHOST SHIP, COUNTERSPY, THE BLUE PARROT, THE STRAW MAN, BOND OF FEAR, THE HIDEOUT, MOMAN OF MYSTERY and SEA FURY.Murray was in, THE DARK MAN, MYSTERY JUNCTION, STREET CORNER and ANOTHER MAN'S POISON.The film was written and directed by John Gilling. Gilling's work includes, NO TRACE, VOICE OF MERRILL, DEADLY NIGHTSHADE, RECOIL, ESCAPE BY NIGHT, 3 STEPS TO THE GALLOWS, DOUBLE EXPOSURE, THE EMBEZZLER, TIGER BY THE TAIL, INTERPOL and THE MAN INSIDE.
PaulW-7 I saw this on the television last night. It is a good 1950's B-movie thriller. Whilst the plot is a bit hackneyed in places, it is well acted and well directed. If you like this sort of film it is well worth a viewing. If you are not a fan of this sort of film, but want to kill 69 minutes, it should do the job.