The Fortune
The Fortune
PG | 20 May 1975 (USA)
The Fortune Trailers

Two bumbling hustlers in the 1920s attempt to gain the fortune of an heiress. Nothing will stop them, not even murder.

Solemplex To me, this movie is perfection.
Nessieldwi Very interesting film. Was caught on the premise when seeing the trailer but unsure as to what the outcome would be for the showing. As it turns out, it was a very good film.
Salubfoto It's an amazing and heartbreaking story.
Invaderbank The film creates a perfect balance between action and depth of basic needs, in the midst of an infertile atmosphere.
Jonathan Roberts 'The Fortune' is a crime comedy, centred around the dubious exploits of two 1920s conmen, promisingly played by Jack Nicholson and Warren Beatty. Their job is to cheat a wealthy woman out of her fortune, and the film starts off positively. The film's song, 'I Must Be Dreaming', is quite enjoyable, and I was glad to see Nichols reuse it in the credits at the end. Unfortunately, it all goes downhill from the hopeful first scene. The premise was interesting, but it may have been performed better if the film was more serious. It felt a little like a rom-com, road movie version of 'The Great Gatsby', and the effect wasn't very good. The script was a little off at times, and I think that, in places, Beatty failed to remain on Nicholson's level during their usually fun exchanges. There were a few genuinely funny scenes, but I don't think there were enough of them to justify watching this. Other scenes degenerated into mind- numbing silliness, almost to the point where the viewer forgets the plot or the premise of 'The Fortune'. Overall, I was quite disappointed with this film. Nicholson, as ever, delivered a great performance, but I don't think that 'The Fortune' operated along the right lines. It could have channelled the atmosphere of 'McCabe & Mrs. Miller', or been a serious Prohibition crime film, but its direction steered it into becoming a very mediocre comedy.
bruce47-1 I'm not too big on comedies, but this one was recommended, so I watched it when it was run on network TV years ago.....One of the funniest movies I've ever seen in my life. It's incredible to me that it is so underrated..... Not even a mention at any of the lifetime achievement awards for either Beatty or Nicholson. I hate to oversell a movie because it creates expectations that are almost impossible to live up to, so let me just say , "This is a 'good' comedy ". :-)I just became aware that my comment is not yet ready for submission because it does not contain the minimum 10 lines of text , so let me amend my earlier statement....." This is a very very good comedy ".......This is my first comment submission to this forum.....I was heartened to find others who recognized the gem this movie is and I just wanted to add my voice to the positive comments above......But, believing that less is sometimes more , I wanted to encourage others to seek out this movie , without "overselling ". i hope I have done my job :-).
Psalm 52 Recently saw this gem and really found it a pleasant way to spend an hour and a half. Ms. Channing is fresh and funny as the off-kilter socialite mixed up with Beatty and Nicholson who make a charming team. The hi-jinks that ensue between these three characters as they try to outwit and outlast each other makes for good comedy. One of my favorite scenes is Jack seducing Ms. Channing then sneaking out the small bedroom window while Warren walks in through the front door. Jack is also subdued in his performance, although the scene on the wing of the plane suggests otherwise. Another funny sight is Ms. Channing almost making a clean get-a-way from the two guys, except for her ill-fated decision to go back to get her chicken. Great direction by Mr. Nichols. Should be watched with "The Day of The Locust" which captures the feel of the same era, although that film is a dark drama.
ptb-8 A box office failure upon release, it just seems impossible to believe this genuinely hilarious film did not hit with audiences then and now is not the iconic cast and title it deserves to be. Columbia must have been aghast when it didn't set the box office on fire especially given what major stars Nicholson and Beatty were in '75. It is hard to find this film and if you have the time and luck to find a copy, try and also get THE FRONT and THE CHEAP DETECTIVE two other Columbia films around the same time that were reasonable successes and deserve to be major titles in anyone's home library.In Australia each of these films + HIGH ANXIETY suffered from the intro of colour TV and the cinemas all took a nosedive for 4 years 74-78. Very few films in thie period were big hits and cinemas closed in dozens. Pity as so many great films were made then and this comedy genuinely is one.