The First Olympics: Athens 1896
The First Olympics: Athens 1896
| 20 May 1984 (USA)
The First Olympics: Athens 1896 Trailers

This movie describes the founding of the modern Olympics and concentrates on the creation of the American team and their trials in getting to the Olympics in Athens.

Moustroll Good movie but grossly overrated
BoardChiri Bad Acting and worse Bad Screenplay
Quiet Muffin This movie tries so hard to be funny, yet it falls flat every time. Just another example of recycled ideas repackaged with women in an attempt to appeal to a certain audience.
Deanna There are moments in this movie where the great movie it could've been peek out... They're fleeting, here, but they're worth savoring, and they happen often enough to make it worth your while.
greenish13 I sat last night to see this film being played in Greek television because of the upcoming Olympic Games hosted by my city.Knowing that it is an American film, i had already expected it to focus more on the American athletes story.And i was really ready for it. But what i saw was..., too much!I mean, when a movie has such a title ("First Olympics: Athens 1896"), even being of American origin, you would not expect it to be so propagandizing and, on the same time, ignorant towards other countries' athletes and efforts.The American athletes seem to have all the gifts of nature (strength, smartness, generosity, kindness, politeness...), in contrast to their "sin-athletes" in the Games, who seem being unable even to... speak their thoughts or express feelings.The number of times the American anthem is played during the film must be an all time record in filmography.Megalomania at it's best!It even uses fictionalized facts which ridicules the Greek nation, such as Greek citizens serving the foreign Marathon athletes with wine, in order to help the domestic ones win the race.So much for the Olympic spirit.Think of it.Being a Greek and putting a bad mark to a movie whose title is also Greek is something that doesn't make me happy at all.But according to what i have seen, i cannot give it more than 4 out of 10 (being pretty generous actually).
maoumaou Just 10 days before the Athens 2004 Olympics games, I spent my evening watching this film inspired by the title. In the beginning I thought of the movie as a historical description of the first modern olympic games. Unfortunately a more accurate title would be "The American olympic team during the 1896 Olympic games" since this movie is all about it and nothing else. Four hours of lame dialogues, poor acting, historical inaccuracies and the infinite number of the US national anthem add up to one of the worst movies I've ever seen. Minimum comments for the achievements, the training and the difficulties the other athletes came across.
klynn424 Historically awful. Scarcely an accurate moment in 4 hours of ridiculosity. One cannot keep track of the inconsistencies while watching. As with all track and filed movies, nobody bothers to ask for any track consultants. Events and techniques that weren't even created until the next century are shown. From the shots of runners jogging in a 400 meters to the highly overweight actor portraying the high jump and long jump winner, one would have to know absolutely nothing about track to even be mildly entertained. Likely thrown together in 1984 as a tribute to the games just prior to the LA Olympics.
Bronze It was great historically. It showed at least once all of the countries that competed and got the winners correct. The acting and directing was consistent. There were also some great shots. Although not outstanding it is a worthwhile film to seeMy score 9.662/10
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