The Farmer's Wife
The Farmer's Wife
| 04 January 1930 (USA)
The Farmer's Wife Trailers

Successful middle-aged farmer Samuel Sweetland becomes widowed, then his daughter marries and leaves home. Deciding he wishes to remarry, Sweetland pursues some local women he considers prospects.

Kidskycom It's funny watching the elements come together in this complicated scam. On one hand, the set-up isn't quite as complex as it seems, but there's an easy sense of fun in every exchange.
Lollivan It's the kind of movie you'll want to see a second time with someone who hasn't seen it yet, to remember what it was like to watch it for the first time.
Arianna Moses Let me be very fair here, this is not the best movie in my opinion. But, this movie is fun, it has purpose and is very enjoyable to watch.
Tobias Burrows It's easily one of the freshest, sharpest and most enjoyable films of this year.
JohnHowardReid SYNOPSIS: A well-to-do British farmer decides to take a wifeCOMMENT: This, of course, is a silent movie. one of Hitchcock's earliest endeavors. Because of the Hitchcock name and popularity (and the fact that the copyright has expired), "The Farmer's Wife" is currently available on at least six DVD labels. At the time I wrote my original review, St Clair had the best copy. but it may not be still available from that source. "The Farmer's Wife" features nice sharp photography by Jack Cox, plus several really ingratiating performances (particularly by the really charming Lillian Hall-Davis).The St. Clair DVD is augmented by an adroit music score which makes light work of of the movie's comparatively long running time of 129 minutes. And to my surprise, Hitch proves himself - even at this early stage of his career - to be a master of bucolic, domestic comedy, despite actor Gordon Harker's continuous efforts to impose his own brand of stage-struck slapstick. Fortunately, Hitch keeps Harker firmly in his place. All told, "The Farmer's Wife" is a really enjoyable experience!
utgard14 Slight but enjoyable early Alfred Hitchcock movie about a widower (Jameson Thomas) who sets out to find a new wife with help from his loyal housekeeper (Lillian Hall-Davis). It's a charming and touching story. Not quite what you would expect from the eventual Master of Suspense. It's a good-looking film, as well. Thomas and Davis are both likable. Gordon Harker is fun as the farmer's handyman, Churdles Ash. Love that name. It's nothing to get worked up over but a pleasant enough film that's worth a look to more than just Hitchcock completists.
Rainey Dawn In all honesty I'm not big on romantic comedies - very few of them I actually enjoy and love - most of them are quite boring to me and this film has bored me to tears. Maybe one of these days I will go back to watch this film and enjoy it - but I doubt that. There is NOTHING wrong with this movie - it's cute and all - but as I have stated I'm not into most romantic comedies.I'm sorry I do not like this film - I want to because it's Hitchcock but I don't. I like my Alfred Hitchcock thrilling, mysterious and horrifying and this film is definitely totally opposite of my favorite side of Hitchcock.This film is worth while if you enjoy silent movies and/or romantic comedies. It's just not a film for me.3/10
KlutzyGirl I've always been a huge fan of Hitchcock's early works, especially "The 39 Steps" and "The Lady Vanishes." I especially love the glimpses of country life--the cruel Calvinist husband, the Swiss speaking Romansche. But I hadn't realized that even earlier he made comedies. Now with new DVD releases I can discover them, and I recommend you do too. So far I've also seen "Rich and Strange," which was slow, but a fun precursor to "Mr. and Mrs. Smith."The Farmer's Wife is my favorite so far. The opening...was there ever a more idyllic farm? A more amusing death scene? Cuter puppies? A more curmudgeonly farm hand? These little touches set the scene and kept me interested in the progression of a story whose ending we know from the start. It can be slow, and I really appreciated having it on DVD so I could FF x2 through the long scenes, but overall I enjoyed the whole package very much. My enjoyment was often overwhelmed by the sad story of Lillian Hall-Davis's tragic death and her son's involvement. Very sad. She was perfect in this role. Jameson Thomas (King Westley in "It Happened One Night") was very good, and all the supporting players were terrific. 8/10.