Belonging the Greek Weird Wave that I'm very partial to, this film is a little bit more accessible in story and less outlandish. It definitely could have benefited from tighter editing though. We spend almost all of the movie with Antonis Paraskevas, a respected anchor in his glory days turned morning show host who has spent so long on the job that he can't sleep past 4 am. We meet him with a companion traveling to an undisclosed location, with the companion leaving him there. Slowly the audience finds out who he is and what is going on, in between him trying to make agar-agar spaghetti (and failing) and going through magazines. The original plan all goes wrong when his 'colleague' stops taking his calls. He could not just show up to the world because he created the situation, and so he only ends up trying and succeeding to escalate it. By the end, I was ready for the character to just finally do something that I as an audience thinks is the only way out, and the only way to what he wanted at that point. We don't get that ending though. There is barely any dialogue, and we spend most of the movie just watching Antonis slowly fail. A welcome musical number in the middle was a highlight.