The Eleventh Hour
The Eleventh Hour
| 01 January 2008 (USA)
The Eleventh Hour Trailers

After years as a prisoner of war Michael Adams, a former Navy SEAL, is trying to live a normal life. However, his life is turned upside-down when his estranged wife has a bomb implanted into her skull to assure that he will assassinate a US Senator. Now Michael has less than 12 hours to kill the Senator or the bomb will detonate. An action-packed, thrill a minute ride!

Odelecol Pretty good movie overall. First half was nothing special but it got better as it went along.
Suman Roberson It's a movie as timely as it is provocative and amazingly, for much of its running time, it is weirdly funny.
Ginger Very good movie overall, highly recommended. Most of the negative reviews don't have any merit and are all pollitically based. Give this movie a chance at least, and it might give you a different perspective.
Roxie The thing I enjoyed most about the film is the fact that it doesn't shy away from being a super-sized-cliche;
defucter When I first read the synopsis, I thought, "Are they serious?" So it sounds a tad far-fetched. So maybe more than a *tad. But overall, this was a decent action flick. The best ever? No. But better than many I've watched. It feels like a 24 type movie--when the school phone rang with the 24 scene-change ring-tone, I had to chuckle. This flick lacks Jack Bauer, but the characters are likable, and the actors did great with what they had to work with, though I've never heard of any of them. Many action actors can fight but they can't act. Not true with Matthew Reese. I haven't seen anything else he's been in, but he did a good job with his part. Jennifer Klekas was a hot damsel in distress and she kicked some a$$, too. Although the storyline could be improved to make it more believable, the lines worked with this story. But how many action flicks are all that believable anyway? If you like 24 or some of Jean-Claude's flicks or anything from the Die Hard franchise, you'll probably enjoy this movie. The action sequences were fast-paced and raw. Mostly hand-to-hand combat and not really any explosions. There was a blend of evasion, shooting, and mixed-martial arts. One realistic thing about this movie is the number of bad guys the hero took on simultaneously. It wasn't like a Chuck Norris film where guys stand in a circle holding their guns and only attack one at a time. A Navy Seal could have reasonably handled the amount of assailants that came at this guy. If you're looking for a deeper storyline or character development, keep looking. But enjoy this movie for what it is...a lone hero saves the day. Kudos to the cast and crew for putting together a decent flick on a presumably low(er) budget.
vnums This film doesn't have much in terms of a cast, budget, or acting, but what it lacks in those areas it makes up for by being fun to watch.. somehow.You can tell right off the bat that the film is low budget, not a Hollywood blockbuster, and doesn't feature any big names. The acting is dry and terribly forced in some places, but it doesn't detract from the overall pace or excitement of the film. The action sequences are pretty much non-stop, and you're never left with long patches of dialogue or drawn out scenes with no action -- which, I'll be honest, for this film is a good thing.Anyway, you're presented with a fast-paced action ala one man against a slew of "bad guys" (who this time happen to be North Koreans) in a race against time to save a loved one. It's a pretty typical story, but off skew just enough for it to be enjoyable and not entirely akin to 25 cent action movies from the bargain bin. This, coupled with the abundance of well-choreographed action scenes makes this film a fun ride.Bottom line, if you go in expecting this to be an amazing, thought provocative action film with densely woven plot lines, you'll be rather disappointed. On the other hand, if you go in thinking this is going to be some kind of cheese fest (see "The Marine"), you'll be more than pleasantly surprised. It is the best it can be for what it is, if that makes any sense.
geniuskmc27 I am not going to delve into the story one bit here. Please look at the synopsis for that. After reading the synopsis, if you want to watch this movie then read on. This is one of the worst movies I have watched in recent times and let me tell you, I watch a lot. I have never given a user comment for a movie. I voted a few times for contributions and sometimes for the movie itself when I felt strong about the movie- either good or bad, but this one evoked so strong a response that I tracked down the IMDb page and sat down to write a warning. This is no review. Just refrain from watching the movie. Accepted that people are passionate when making movies, these people, the director, actors and all others remotely connected to this movie don't know what they are doing.
niscaty ...I wouldn't mind seeing movies like this. The plot is not special but at least the acting is very bad. When i say very bad, i mean like BAD. Knowing that o bomb have been implanted in your head would make you panic like hell, but no, that's not what is happening with one of our character. She's very chilled about that and acts like a bug injected one egg in her body and a short visit to a doctor would make this problem disappear. Oh, did I mentioned that she's hot? That didn't save her bad acting though.The male protagonist is as bad at acting as the other character interprets, except maybe the actor in the senator's role (Danor Gerald) who's about to be assassinated. He is more natural than any other actor in this movie.There're some fight scenes that are pretty good, but that's not a reason to spend more than an hour watching a movie that will bring you nothing new, nothing to think about and more propaganda about evil countries.Unless you are very bored and you have absolutely nothing to do instead, don't watch this title. Do your shopping for the next month or year and also save some money.