The Eagle
The Eagle
NR | 08 November 1925 (USA)
The Eagle Trailers

Vladimir Dubrouvsky, a lieutenant in the Russian army, catches the eye of Czarina Catherine II. He spurns her advances and flees, and she puts out a warrant for his arrest, dead or alive. Vladimir learns that his father's lands have been taken by the evil Kyrilla Troekouroff, and his father dies. He dons a black mask, and becomes the outlaw The Black Eagle. He enters the Troekouroff household disguised as a French instructor for Kyrilla's daughter Mascha. He is after vengeance, but instead falls in love with Mascha.

TinsHeadline Touches You
Micitype Pretty Good
Lawbolisted Powerful
Guillelmina The film's masterful storytelling did its job. The message was clear. No need to overdo.
wes-connors Handsome Russian officer Rudolph Valentino (as Vladimir Dubrovsky) saves lovely damsel in distress Vilma Bánky (as Mascha Troekouroff) when her stagecoach goes awry. This helps earn him an audience with Czarina Louise Dresser (as Catherine II). Amorous Ms. Dresser decides to lure Mr. Valentino into her boudoir; but, the virtue loving Cossack spurns her advances. After Valentino escapes Dresser's clutches, she makes him a more criminally "Wanted" man. Soon, Valentino is posing as a French tutor in the home of his father's enemy, James Marcus (as Kyrilla Troekouroff); there, he falls in love with Ms. Bánky, whom he had rescued earlier.Valentino becomes a black-masked Zorro-like vigilante known as "The Black Eagle" to strike fear into the heart of bad guys like Mr. Marcus.This is a good-looking film; George Barnes (photography), Clarence Brown (direction), George Marion Jr. (title cards), and William Cameron Menzies (sets) excel. Dresser is a pleasure to watch; Valentino is charming and effective. "The Eagle" is a very formulaic movie - which worked out very well for Valentino. Due, in large part, to the film's popularity at the box office, Rudolph Valentino became the #1 Box Office Star in the United States (overtaking Norma Talmadge). Since he died before 1926 ended, Valentino left the stage on top. ******* The Eagle (11/8/25) Clarence Brown ~ Rudolph Valentino, Vilma Bánky, Louise Dresser
loza-1 I would say that United Artists spared no expense in bringing Imperial Russia to Hollywood. The costumes and sets are superb. The story of a young officer who becomes an outlaw after spurning Catherine the Great is excellently portrayed.In my opinion, this is the best of Valentino's films (although I liked Blood and Sand too).I need not say that Valentino is excellent. Good too is Vilma Banky, one of the best silent actresses about at the time...BUT...Earlier in the film she makes the sign of the cross the Roman Catholic way, but later, during the wedding scene, she blesses herself the Russian Orthodox way.Oversight or conversion?
cfarenx I saw "The Eagle" a few years ago with a sound effects track and very appropriate Tchaikovsky orchestrial music. This beautiful addition set the stage for Czarina's imperial Russia. Mr. Valentino's duel role as Lieutenant of the imperial guard and eventually as THE BLACK EAGLE out for revenge on behalf of his father's family depossession by a crooked neighbor and judge, plans just do. The crooked land owner has a beautiful daughter who defects his ultimate goal. Happy Ending. Clarence Brown, director, helped make "The Eagle" a good movie.Charles Farenga
Jim Tritten Enjoyable adaptation of Russian novel for American screen with well-polished Rudolf Valentino as the former Czarist officer who extracts revenge as the "Black Eagle" against the landowner who cheated his father. Valentino performs macho acts and is not cast only as a ladies man. Excellent directing by Clarence Brown, good re-writing to fit an American audience, some tricky camera shots, and wonderful sets add to the enjoyment of this very good film. Vilma Banky sizzles as the beautiful romantic interest that makes the erstwhile thief select love over vengeance. This is the next to the last time that we see Valentino. Gary Cooper (uncredited) appears as one of the masked cossacks -- you will never find him. Recommended.