The Double Life of Véronique
The Double Life of Véronique
R | 22 November 1991 (USA)
The Double Life of Véronique Trailers

Véronique is a beautiful young French woman who aspires to be a renowned singer; Weronika lives in Poland, has a similar career goal and looks identical to Véronique, though the two are not related. The film follows both women as they contend with the ups and downs of their individual lives, with Véronique embarking on an unusual romance with Alexandre Fabbri, a puppeteer who may be able to help her with her existential issues.

Micitype Pretty Good
Matialth Good concept, poorly executed.
Intcatinfo A Masterpiece!
Zandra The movie turns out to be a little better than the average. Starting from a romantic formula often seen in the cinema, it ends in the most predictable (and somewhat bland) way.
cmp_gr *Possible minor spoilers*Hasn't ever happened that you browse an album with beautiful pictures pleasing your eyes, hearing at the same time beautiful music pleasing your ears and your soul? That's the way I saw this film. It is evident that it is entirely dedicated to Iréne Jacob's beauty, who gives a very good performance, perhaps one of her best, if not the best. And she is beautiful indeed! Zbignew Preisner's music excellently rendered by Elzbieta Towarnicka's voice, completes the beautiful images, by pleasing your ears and your soul. That's all. Do not expect any story, because there isn't any. The film is about two women, the French Véronique living in France and the Polish Weronika living in Kraków, Poland. They look alike like twins, like two drops of water. Véronique seems to feel Weronika, like it often happens with twins, however, they are not. Krzysztof Kieslowski's direction is excellent, perfectly rendering this poem of spectacle and hearing.
TheLittleSongbird Having loved Krzysztof Kieslowski's "Three Colours Trilogy", especially 'Three Colours: Red', those films made me interested in seeing more his work, with 'The Double Life of Veronique' and 'Dekalog' being particularly highly recommended.While not quite as good as the "Three Colours Trilogy" (or at least as good as 'Blue' and 'Red', it's about on par with 'White'), 'The Double Life of Veronique' is at its best mesmerising. It is somewhat slight narratively, not as thematically rich as for example 'Red' and Weronika is a slightly more interesting character than Veronique, with a slightly longer length Veronique could have had a little more development than she did.This is in no way denouncing 'The Double Life of Veronique's' quality, because so much works. It is stunning visually, the very stylised but often gorgeously jaw-dropping cinematography is innovative in its use of colour and camera filters to enhance the ethereal atmosphere created. The music is every bit as hauntingly intricate and symbolic as the score in 'Three Colours: Blue', and is like a fascinating major character in itself, the use of it is inspired too.Kieslowski's direction is assured, thought-provoking and unobtrusive, his style is distinctive and unmistakable and there are many great visual and dramatic touches that help keep the viewer fascinated. The film is very intelligently and poetically written, while the story makes the most of its ingenious concept through heavy but thought-provoking if initially perplexing use of symbolism and an atmosphere that's ethereal, hypnotic, poetic and haunting. There are many powerful and moving moments here.Irene Jacob mesmerises in her luminously sensitive dual performance, where she shows great emotional range with two completely contrasting characters. Her Best Actress award at Cannes was more than richly deserved.Overall, slight but intelligent, beautiful and mesmerising, the cinematography, music and Jacob being the three main reasons for seeing it. 9/10 Bethany Cox
Aaron White I love this film. It's the work of a true master filmmaker and it's a masterpiece. Irene Jacobs is perfect in her two roles. Her performance is truly flawless. Everything about this film is beautiful. Just the fact it exists is beautiful. The fact that it happened. Krzysztof Kieslowski made one of cinemas most important films ever. I really wonder what would have came next after the following Three Colors trilogy. This film will continue to inspire me for the rest of my life. I'm taking it to the grave. I love this film on a personal level and I pretty much think anyone with a soul would. Those who agree with me should understand how masterful this film is.
aaskillz69 So i was very interested in seeing this movie, what first made me interested in seeing the movie was the fact that it was directed by Krzysztof Kieslowski, the director of the well known Three Color: Trilogy, which i really like, i had also seen another movie of his,A Short Film About Love, so i had liked what i had seen from him, certainly not mainstream stuff, but very interesting work. Another reason was the fact that this was his first collaboration with Irène Jacob who later appeared in his masterpiece Three Colors: Red. So yeah i wanted to see their first collaboration. My expectations i would say were not big, because i had heard that many people did not get the movie, but i hoped for the best.The Double Life of Veronique is directed and written by Krzysztof Kieslowski and it stars Irène Jacob, Wladyslaw Kowalski and Halina Gryglaszewska. And i got to say that my biggest fear has come true, because i cant understand not in a whole what this movie is about. The movie follows two identical Veroniques, born on the same day - one Polish, one French, both with an identical heart condition and the same great operatic singing voice,both look like each other, they are like separated twins.We never really truly understand the connection between the two Veronique's they both look the same, the same thing is happening to both, and they feel something that they cant describe, they never feel alone, they always in a way feel each other.Its weird because i cant say that i disliked the movie, and i don't understand much of what happens, at times i felt like i was under a spell, very weird felling, some scenes are almost hypnotizing. Because of Kieslowski visual beauty, the yellows and oranges on screen perfect, but also because of Irène Jacob, she is amazing. The luminous Irène Jacob does wonders with her difficult double role as Veronika/Véronique, which requires her presence in nearly every frame of film. Guided by the sure hand of Kieslowski, Jacob projects an authentic goodness and innocence, coupled with a palpable sensuality and sensitivity. And this seems effortless. And to think that Andie MacDowell was almost cast to be in the movie, No way she would had been as great as Irène.While watching it i was amazed by the visual beauty that once again Kieslowski managed to put on screen, by the charming star that Irène Jacob is on screen, but after the movie ended, the movie left me with questions lots of them, it left me confused.I think Kieslowski wanted us to end the puzzle by ourselves the thing is that he doesn't give enough pieces, maybe the puzzle just cant be done, and in film i like to finish my puzzle. Rating:B