The Door
The Door
| 14 October 2014 (USA)
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Unemployed and broke, Owen is having a terrible week. It's not until he saves a wealthy Japanese businessman from a couple of thugs that Owen's luck begins to change. He's promised an easy job with very good pay. $500 a night. 5 nights a week. All Owen has to do is wear a uniform, sit in a chair and make sure that an ominous door is never opened. Following an unexpected late night visit, Owen soon finds himself stepping into the darkness, unsure if he will survive the night or escape the fate that waits for him behind The Door.

AniInterview Sorry, this movie sucks
ChanBot i must have seen a different film!!
Zlatica One of the worst ways to make a cult movie is to set out to make a cult movie.
Marva It is an exhilarating, distressing, funny and profound film, with one of the more memorable film scores in years,
a_baron How do you make an ultra-low budget horror film? How about have a small bunch of people walking around in an abandoned building at night commenting on how they can hear someone - or something - whispering?Actually, although "The Door" has its faults, it is quite atmospheric. A young guy is down on his luck, too broke even to buy his girlfriend a birthday present, when he walks into a violent street robbery. Using his wits rather than his non-existent martial arts skills, he scares off the two hoods, and the grateful victim hands him a wad of money. Gee mister, I can't take that. He does though, and a job offer, start right away, 12 hours a night, but at $500 a shift, how can he refuse? All he has to do is don a uniform then sit and watch a door all night to ensure it doesn't open. An idiot could do that, right? Now you kinda know that if he doesn't open the door, this will be one boring movie, but what lies behind it, the entrance to Hell? No, that was "The Sentinel". So how does he come to open it? Girlfriend turns up with the gang having traced him through a new app on her phone. Hey, let us in, it's only 2am and we want you to join the party. He acquiesces, that is his big mistake. There is a bit more to this film than that, but not a lot more. So what happens? Watch it right through, and if you still don't know, you're in good company.
gpeltz The Door, 2014 is written and directed by Patrick Mcbrearty, It is watchable, Spoiler Alert and plenty. In a nutshell, this is about the Warehouse from hell. It's also about kids making bad decisions.The middle section plays mind games, and the conclusion is over played, but while it lasts it has the elements of a good twilight zone.The budget could not have been very much, the sets are minimal, visual effects are few. Perhaps the very limitations and the stark sets, give the setting the creepy feeling it was shooting for. Story wise we have a good beginning; Owen played by Sam Kantor has to miss his girlfriends birthday party because of his new job as Security guard. His girlfriend Abby played by Winny Clark decides to bring her party with all his friends, to his place of work, On his first night-shift ? We know nothing good will come of this. There use to be a song called, "Green Door" (What's that secret you're keeping?) That is the main element here. Owen is suppose to be guarding a door, and make sure it doesn't open. that's his job. What's behind the door is a mysterious unknown. Naturally his friends led by Jess played by Alys Crocker, decide to find out. one eye rolling bad move after another! Mysterious things happen behind the door, we know because each character in the movie gets to say, "This place is F**k'ed Up" at least twice. Likewise each character gets seven chances each, to say, "Did you hear that?" and an equal number of, "No's" "We're not alone" is given only one go around per character. There is some "feeder fish" talk going on plot-wise, but the threat is never defined. seeing yourself doing something different then what others witness, is as strange as it gets, No complaints with the tech stuff, the soundtrack was clean, thankfully without the booming fright jump cues. Seven Stars for the "Good mood of mystery" (by the props guys)Out of Ten.
sellzmktng01 My first review, so be gentle :p ... Naah, abuse me all you want. First, my horror movie experience began in 1983 or so, with Faces of Death, thanks to my morbid brother. Since then my horror and suspense flick taste has brought me to using IMDb to quench my thirst for hidden gems.I liked the fact that it does a lot with nothing, basically. The filming is quality which makes up for a lot. When a movie looks like it was done on an old JVC VCR cassette camera and nobody bothered to clean up the video noise or level the audio I lose interest, unless its a documentary or done on purpose like a 'found footage' piece. Even then, you can see some effort to keep it flowing and 'movie'-ish. I lack the tech description for it, but it was a movie and not some toy store crap.That being said, it is a professional-looking piece. I always wanted to know what the antagonist was, but I didn't really care because I felt it was like finding the purpose to the game, is the purpose of the game. I hope they do a part II that includes some background to the Asian guy and the Warehouse, like Star Wars did the (end?) before the beginning.Sadly, when I saw 'As Above So Below' with all the hype I was pumped, but after that, if I had to buy a ticket again between the two, this is hands-down the choice, no question. That's my next review.Either way, as a stand-alone flick it is a satisfactory experience.
nineveh-4 I am sure this movie was made because the idea itself was a nice pitch. Pay someone 100,000k a year to guard a door in a building in the middle of nowhere.Someone in a studio though wow what a novel concept. They are right. The idea and the setting gives the director and scriptwriter a huge potential to pull from. The actors do a decent job. All we need now is for the director, script and the special effects to kick in, and give us that horror ride they promised. Yeah right! They spend most of the movie playing the 'did you this noise', 'no I didn't', 'let's go look', 'oh there isn't anything here', 'oh there is that creepy noise again', oh c'mon!There were some attempts at 'ghost like' scares, but lacking cgi, they used human actors with almost no makeup, and it was pretty much lacking in fear factor. Realizing this was the case, our script writer, director, decides to switch tack in Act 3, and gives us some answers and a nice twist, and then turns the movie into a 10 minute slasher flick. What a total let down! There is no pay-off for watching this film.The truth is that yes there are many bad movies out there and they are just bad with no potential for being better, but this, had potential for a cult classic, and they didn't deliver. If I was the producer, I'd just pull this film off the self, reshoot this film in the same location using a different modified script, get funding for some serious CGI, and learn from the Asian horror masters THEN re- release it.