The Dog Wedding
The Dog Wedding
PG-13 | 11 March 2016 (USA)
The Dog Wedding Trailers

A German businesswoman falls for an American pro wrestler she meets at the dog park, testing her lifelong obedience to her CEO/father.

Solemplex To me, this movie is perfection.
SunnyHello Nice effects though.
Marva It is an exhilarating, distressing, funny and profound film, with one of the more memorable film scores in years,
Billy Ollie Through painfully honest and emotional moments, the movie becomes irresistibly relatable
borisjonez Good natured clever film with an eclectic mix of characters creates a cartoon like film made for 13 year olds and above. The mix of a professional wrestler and a German award winning actress combined with the local actors and non actors of Arizona makes for a really endearing, funny, and a little crazy film. Somehow within a silly movie about a dog wedding there is a thoughtful story about culture, capitalism and breaking free from your parents' expectations and living your dreams! You don't get this from main stream romantic comedies that's for sure.So many details in this film that make it really worth watching again and again. The music reminded me a little of the 80's in a cool way. It's an independent film so has it's quirky flaws but several scenes are brilliant.
pt-51893 What a fun wonderful movie! I attended the NYC premier and was very pleasantly surprised about the fun and creativity seen throughout the movie. I've never classified my self as a dog lover, more of a "tolerator," but I left the movie loving dogs, embracing the improbable, and feeling uplifted after a nice and fresh romantic comedy.A few surprising twists and turns kept me guessing until the end, and the chemistry between the actors was great- especially the beautiful Rosalie Thomass and the giant-of-a-man Matt Bloom.Thanks to the writers and producers for giving us a real treat! I hope to see more of their work soon.
marieshelto We had an honor to attend the premiere of the movie in New York City. Everyone associated with this film was such a pleasure to meet. Matthew Bloom is big sweetheart and loved his interaction with Rosalie on and off the screen. An honor to have my Bocker decked out in his tux pictured in the movie. Total enjoyment for everyone who came to see the movie with us. A pure delight for wrestling fans and dog lovers alike. Engaging story and great interaction among the cast. Highly recommend this film if you are a dog lover and who isn't! Congratulations to all created a film that is a joy to watch and remember. Very special to be a small part of this wonderful endeavor.
mitajaajatim Highly recommend this film to dog lovers, wrestling fans, and general cinephiles. It's a fun and quirky rom-com about a clash of cultures and two pet-owners who go to extremes to celebrate their love for animals and eventually find romance. Set in the mystical landscape of Arizona, the story takes you on a peyote trip and underscores a need to support the disenfranchised Native American population. There's even a skosh of Japanese culture represented in the musice score and cosplay. Did I mention a pickle factory? Very eccentric film. Especially loved how it reverses gender roles of the two protagonists without stereotyping. The title sequence with dozens of dog photos in fancy tuxedos and wedding gowns was very well done. Can't wait to see the sequel!