The Devil's Ground
The Devil's Ground
R | 19 May 2008 (USA)
The Devil's Ground Trailers

While traveling from California to Bangor through a lonely road, Carrie Mitchel is advised by the gas station attendant Jimmy to rest in a hotel; however, she decides to continue driving through the night and almost hits a wounded teenage girl with blood on her face. She gives a lift to the girl and listens to the tale of her passenger and her friends.

Redwarmin This movie is the proof that the world is becoming a sick and dumb place
Intcatinfo A Masterpiece!
Invaderbank The film creates a perfect balance between action and depth of basic needs, in the midst of an infertile atmosphere.
Janis One of the most extraordinary films you will see this year. Take that as you want.
Scarecrow-88 A California motorist (Daryl Hannah, in the film for name recognition value) is on her way to Bangor passing through a stretch of Pennsylvania where the road leads through forest on both sides, when she comes across a frightened young woman (Leah Gibson) who seems to have been through an emotional roller coaster (and has blood on her). This shaken woman reveals her name to be Amy Singer and forewarns that something evil is lurking in the woods out to get them. Amy will provide a narrative for how all her friends wound up deceased to Carrie (Hannah) on their way to the next nearest town. The film opened with an ominous figure, dark and not easily recognizable, carrying a bloody machete, pursuing Amy, so immediately established is the Lurking Evil certain to pop up before the fade to black.Backstory: Amy and fellow Boston U students, majoring in Environmental Studies, can get an A if they collect soil samples and study an ancient Indian Burial Ground known as Arrowhead where coal miners (over 200) died in a mining disaster. What they encounter could be something monstrous, chained and hidden inside the barn of a sullen, greasy, rather creepy gas station attendant named Billy (Daniel Probert) who claims that many of the locals consider Arrowhead the "Devil's Playground". Amy doesn't forget this and is the only one of her group who treats him with a modicum of decency (the others toss around insults about him behind his back). The rest of the film follows the basic "city kids fall prey to backwoods psycho beast" plot.Disorienting camera-work, an editing style that doesn't allow for characters to be positioned in frame for more than a manner of seconds, and way too much time where the camera is right in the face of the actors (not to mention, too many shots of the sky and crows squawking) instead of following the action, "The Devil's Ground" doesn't have the technical merits to surpass the generic, "we've seen it all before" story-line. It is hard to react to a menace that is never established in a way that causes us to dread his presence, and the film fails to generate any creep factor whatsoever.Cheap and ugly, with few redeeming qualities at all, this film would remain buried in obscurity if not for Hannah's name in the credits. I hope you like Leah Gibson's face because we get plenty of it in close up throughout the movie. Even worse is the fact that this film has one too many endings (including a couple twists regarding Billy's family members revealed), none of them exactly worthwhile. Amy Singer's fate seems like an interesting twist if the film had ended with Hannah's discovering something peculiar about her passenger during the movie (the film goes back and forth between Singer's story and in the car with Hannah telling it), but the screenplay just doesn't know when to quit. Probert's scowl, worn on Billy's face exclusively, seems as if he were sucking on a sour lemon throughout his time on screen.
Paul Magne Haakonsen "Devils Ground" is a fairly average slasher movie, though it has some resemblance to "Wrong Turn" and "The Hills Have Eyes", without being a copy of either of those movies.What puzzled me was seeing Daryl Hannah appear as the first name in the movie, despite her role wasn't the lead role. But guess having a relatively known name like hers in the movie and flaunting it that way is the way to lure people in.As for the story told in "Devils Ground", then I thought it was actually good, and the plot managed to keep me hanging and wanting to see what would happen next. And there was a nice twist of storyline towards the end, and I for one, hadn't anticipated the story to take a turn like that. But it was a nice surprise nonetheless.The cast in the movie was actually decent. I like Leah Gibsons portrayal of the role of Amy Singer, she was doing a good job with her character. And as usual, to me at least, it is always nice to see Daryl Hannah in a movie, I find her charismatic in a way. And Daniel Probert, in the role of Billy, was also really well cast, and he brought a lot of color to that role, and he played it quite well. I think it was somewhat of a shame that Twan Holliday's character Jimmy wasn't given more screen time than he had, because his character could have added a lot to the story. And Twan Holliday has a really distinct voice.For a slasher movie, "Devils Ground" doesn't offer lots of blood and gore, but it has just enough killing to make it interesting. There was just the right amount of blood and mayhem to keep you lured in, so that worked well enough. However, being a slasher movie, I don't think that "Devils Ground" has enough impact to make a lasting impression, unless you are a fan of someone in the movie. It just lacks something to make it stand out, unfortunately. Then again, it has a really nice surprise twist to it, which many other slasher movies lacks.I like horror movies, and I personally think that "Devils Ground" was actually a good enough entry to the horror genre, just a shame that it failed to leave a lasting impression.
dschmeding OK... let me sum this up: A lady played by Darryl Hannah is driving home at night. After stopping at an old gas station and meeting a strange hillbilly hick she soon has to step on the break when meeting Amy standing on the dark road with blood on her face. Here "The cycle" takes on a really innovative storytelling device (Hah!)... the whole story is told by Amy while the 2 are driving through the backwoods. Wow! Actually the story is pretty tame.... 5 students out to take soil samples on some abandoned land meet a strange handless hillbilly hick (no, its a different one!) and then have their motor-home shaken. But thats not all... after digging in the ground they soon find graves which are not 100 years old (like they expected from a major accident that happened there some time ago) but the corpses are rather "fresh". Spooky... of course soon hillbilly hick 3 appears (looking really ridiculous with his hood on and the constant slobbering) and hunts them down. Guess what... only Amy survives. There is no gore here, the kills are pretty tame, not so say boring and thats basically it. Now of course you're back in the car and it really takes a dive even deeper from here. Spoiler alert! They go for the "She is just a ghost" thing that reminds me a lot of the Twilight Zone Episode with the dead hiker. To top it off it makes no sense... because soon some of the hillbilly's are back and we learn that Amy comes our every year and lures drivers to their death at a gas station. Now why would she do that?? Because she left a map marking the graves there. Funny thing is she just mentioned it in her story on a side note, also the gas station has a new name and looks totally different now and they just drive by there to call the cops and get some gas. The whole ghost twist is ridiculous ... I'd rather watch "Rest stop" than this utterly boring and pointless movie.
equazcion Daryl Hannah plays a relatively small role as Carrie, a motorist who picks up a mysterious girl (Leah Gibson) stranded on a backwoods road. The bulk of the story is told through flashbacks as the girl recounts her story to Carrie. It seems the girl and some fellow students were out on an environmental survey when they found themselves being hunted by an unknown assailant. The Cycle does an admirable job of hiding its own low budget. The directing is good, but moreover, the slick editing and detailed camera work give this film a well-produced look. The acting here is also decent enough. Unfortunately those assets don't quite succeed in saving The Cycle from B-movie status. What it can boast in looks, it dearly lacks in substance, due mainly to a poor script.The movie also feels long overall. When it eventually attempts to lazily incorporate sci-fi and supernatural elements, the audience is already past the point when they were primed to care.Ultimately, while well-made in many respects, it's not particularly entertaining or thought-provoking, so I can't recommend it. Although to be fair, it feels like the work of a good film maker who just needs a better script to work with.