The Devil's Daughter
The Devil's Daughter
| 09 January 1973 (USA)
The Devil's Daughter Trailers

A young girl whose mother had sold her soul to Satan when she was born is told by Satan that she must marry a fellow demon.

Cebalord Very best movie i ever watch
Chirphymium It's entirely possible that sending the audience out feeling lousy was intentional
Keeley Coleman The thing I enjoyed most about the film is the fact that it doesn't shy away from being a super-sized-cliche;
Zandra The movie turns out to be a little better than the average. Starting from a romantic formula often seen in the cinema, it ends in the most predictable (and somewhat bland) way.
mark.waltz So would say Dana Carvey's "Church Lady" if he were to meet Belinda J. Montgomery's Diane in this over-the-top macabre horror drama from the golden age of the TV movie: 90 minutes (with commercials) and little to no frills. The frills here are saved for the superb cast which is headed by the mysterious Shelley Winters as Lilith, the friendly old pal of Montgomery's recently deceased mother who had a pact with the devil himself to raise their daughter and turn her over to him after 21 years. That time has passed, and while they haven't seen much of each other, Montgomery is beside herself with grief with the old woman suddenly dies in a horrific accident. The overly friendly Winters (think of her as an over caffeinated Ruth Gordon of "Rosemary's Baby") immediately offers Montgomery a room, but soon, Montgomery wants to find her own independence, something the hot tempered Winters will not hear of. Calming down briefly, Winters decides that these things must be done delicately as to not hurt the spell, and sets into motion her plan of action that indeed will turn Montgomery into the living, breathing, earthbound daughter of the prince of darkness and future empress of the underworld.The cast is filled with some great veteran actors, with Joseph Cotten as the attorney for Montgomery's mothers estate, Robert Foxworth as the man of Montgomery's dreams (whom she intends to marry to get away from crazy Shelley), Martha Scott as Foxworth's sophisticated mother, Abe Vigoda as one of the members of Winters' circle of friends, Lucille Benson (taking over where Patsy Kelly left off as Gordon's knitting pal in "Rosemary's Baby") as a nosy neighbor, Thelma Carpenter as another pal of Winters (who makes a great apple strudel), and Ian Wolfe as the Catholic priest who tries to steer Montgomery to making the right choices. Winters eats these types of parts for breakfast, so all eyes are on her when she is on screen. Poor Jonathan Frid, aka Barnabas Collins, is completely wasted as Winters' mute chauffer, having no purpose here other than keeping an eye on Montgomery when Winters is busy stirring her cauldron elsewhere. Coming out just as the supernatural craze of films was taking off with "The Exorcist" (and "The Omen" yet to come), this leaves the story open for a sequel, just as "Rosemary's Baby" had done five years before. Even if this could be considered disturbing for its view of seemingly kindly neighbors being involved in such an evil cult, it is best viewed from a camp perspective.
Woodyanders Sweet young Diane Shaw (a fine and sympathetic performance by the comely Belinda J. Montgomery) is given a place to stay by the seemingly friendly Lilith Malone (superbly played by the ever reliable Shelley Winters) following the death of Diane's mother (Diane Ladd in a strong cameo). Diane discovers much to her display that her mother was a member of an evil Satanic cult and made a deal with the devil to marry her off to the chosen one when she reaches legal age. Director Jeannot ("Jaws 2") Szwarc does a commendable job of creating and sustaining a compellingly eerie and mysterious atmosphere. J.J. Jones' polished cinematography gives the picture a bright, attractive look. Lawrence Rosenthal's shuddery'n'spooky score likewise does the trick. The bang-up supporting cast qualifies as another major asset: Jonathan Frid (Barnabas on "Dark Shadows") as Lilith's creepy mute chauffeur Mr. Howard, Robert Foxworth as charming architect Steve Stone, Abe Vigoda as sinister anthropologist Aliknine, Joseph Cotten as the amiable Judge Weatherby, Ian Wolfe as the kindly Father MacHugh, and Lucille ("Private Parts") Benson as the flaky Janet Poole. The dark surprise ending is a real corker, too. A very solid and satisfying vintage 70's made-for-TV fright feature.
willowgreen Only having seen this TV movie once, back in 1973 when it originally aired, I can only say that it did a commendable job entertainment-wise, it being rather unusual in its day for depicting the theme of witchcraft. Belinda Montgomery is lured by the seemingly charming Shelley Winters (as Lilith) - a "friend" of her deceased mother - into a ghastly nightmare. I vaguely remember Winter's performance as being marvelously hammy: it seemed she relished playing this off-beat role. And I remember being semi-thrilled at seeing Jonathan Frid (Barnabas Collins in the cult TV favourite gothic soap DARK SHADOWS) cast in a bit as the mute chauffeur. Interestingly enough, I was visiting my Grandparents in Pacific Grove, California when this movie was shot there. Scenes were shot on location in the cemetery across from Point Pinos Lighthouse and at a mansion & elementary school on Lighthouse Avenue.
Vince-5 Obviously inspired by Rosemary's Baby, this obscure ABC-TV movie is still quite entertaining in its own right. The amazing cast goes full tilt, with the ever-delightful Shelley Winters taking top honors as Lilith. Though slightly hampered by overall TV stylings, it features an ample amount of tension, an imaginative opening credits sequence of flames and silhouettes, and an explosive, nightmarish twist ending. Be warned, though--The Devil's Daughter is very difficult to find. I saw it on the Sci-Fi Channel a few years ago and haven't been able to locate it since. Interestingly, it runs an hour and a half with commercials, whereas most TV movies run two hours. Fun, scary, and short!